Tag Archives: Sundays

Cat Walk Cormorants

Sunday Dear Elsie Today was a day of cormorants. They came by the hundreds and gathered on the sea to feed. Once done, it’s off to the cat walk to settle on the rocks… And further down the cat walk … Continue reading

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A Very Relaxing Sunday

Dear Elsie Today we had a very relaxing Sunday. We slept a lot and didn’t too much until the afternoon when we walked to the shop to buy cream. We set off with cloud cover, but as the walk progressed … Continue reading

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A Peaceful Day

Sunday Dear Elsie Today we had a peaceful day. I think you did too as your Mom sent me photos of you walking with your friend, Aria and of you not only doing worksheets, but making your own as well! … Continue reading

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Back in the Sea

Sunday Today was the day… We braved the cool sea water off Fish Hoek. It wasn’t too bad. 14C. The more I swam the warmer I got. Walking home, feet were cold, hands were gloved, but it was better than … Continue reading

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Rest Day!

Sunday Today was a rest day. It was so needed for Mike and I to recharge our batteries for the week ahead. It was also the Argus Cycle day and the weather was perfect. The wind was not as bad … Continue reading

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Nice to Have a Quiet Day

Sunday It’s nice to have a quiet day and that’s what today has been. We were up in time for the 8am church service, shopped right after and then came home. We put veggies in the oven early so they … Continue reading

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Last Day of Being 53

Tomorrow, when the date changes from 4th November to the 5th, I step from my early 50s into my mid-50s. A subtle but distinct change. I’m growing up! Today I gave myself a number of gifts: I went to church. I … Continue reading

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A Quiet Sunday

I’ve probably had a lot of these, but believe it or not, I’ve never titled a blog A Quiet Sunday. It’s the first one. I woke up quite early this morning (around 5ish) but went back to sleep and fell … Continue reading

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Quiet Sunday

This is going to be a very short blog. There’s not too much to tell! This morning we woke quite early. I made coffee and we made the 8am church service. Afterwards, we met Julian and David for breakfast at … Continue reading

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A Sunday Peppered With Good

Today I took the day off! Completely! Slack attack! It was great. We woke up just after 7am, but managed to make the 8am church service. Good solid teaching. #666 of my 1000 thanks is for breakfast with friends after … Continue reading

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The Blessing of a Sunday

There are always things to be grateful for. Today was a really chilled rest day.  We woke up early, had coffee and then went back to sleep again. Later, I dropped Mike at Clovelly for him to practice at the … Continue reading

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