Raiku & the Pigeon


Dear Elsie

Today was the day we didn’t go to the beach after all.  I had to pick up my new orthotics at 9.15am. David came up for coffee before hand, so it worked out well. We had a chat and then I left.

I came home and worked. There was an early morning booking for the Loft, so those ladies should be arriving any time soon. Gareth also arrived and he’s in the Little Lookout. Julian arrived, so the inn is  now full! Every unit occupied. I like it like that.

But just look at the day.

And in that big blue ocean there have been unexpected sightings of whales. Even today one went past.  I’m learning that they could be a specific species of Bryde’s whales.  According to my Google search, the Eden’s whale is a smaller form of Bryde’s which are particularly found in the Indian ocean and  closer to the coast.

This evening something happened with Raiku that had us laughing.  He can be a very whiny cat who, when he wants to go out, will sit at the front door and wail. Eventually, to shut him up, we let him out. Today we fully understood that this is Raiku at his manipulating best! He had gone outside onto the side balcony. We were all sitting in the lounge when suddenly, Raiku shot back inside and as quickly but as stealthily as possible ran and jumped out his window (which he should be doing instead of wailing at the front door). David and I were curious as to what he’d seen from the balcony. We went out to  see where our ratscallion went. He ran round the back of the house and up the stairs to the gabion baskets. And there perched on the edge was a pigeon.

The pigeon didn’t flinch. He busied himself with pecking at the ground. We watched and waited to see if Raiku would appear.  When he didn’t, I went out to find out where he was. I found him on the stairs peeking, from time to time over the edge to watch the bird.

With me arriving, he decided now was the time and he jumped up.

But no sooner had he done that, the pigeon was off in a flash….a short flight and safely perched on the roof.

Raiku not impressed.

It just proves if he wants to go out, he knows where. If he wants attention, he sits and wails. Very glad he didn’t get the pigeon.

Not a bad day although Mike has been a bit under the weather. He got a touch of something, but is feeling better this evening.

Psalm 33:13-15
From heaven the Lord looks down and sees all mankind;  from His dwelling place He watches all who live on earth—He who forms the hearts of all, who considers everything they do.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In  His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂


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My Car Crash of 1984


Dear Elsie

Today I went for a windy walk and while walking,  my mind went back to my car crash of 1984. I’ve had a few minor incidents since, but this was the first and the worst.  My first car was an old Ford Escort and I was one of the few nurses at Somerset Hospital that had both a car and a driver’s license so when a bunch of us decided to go to the Drive In, we loaded up the old car and off we went. If I recall correctly it was sometime in December 1984. A clear, balmy evening.  There were about 7 of us packed into the car. I think we went to Brackenfell Drive-in. We arrived, unpacked, put blankets outside and watched the movie. After it ended, we headed back towards Cape Town. We took the N1 and once we came into Cape Town, I needed to go drop off a couple of the nurses in District 6. This entailed leaving the N1 and going across the foreshore to cross over the Main Rd by the Good Hope Centre. This was the intended route..

It was at that intersection the accident happened. There are traffic lights there. It was late – maybe 10.45pm. The light was green for me, so I entered the intersection and as I did, a car jumped the red light. He was going quite a lick, coming from the Cape Town side.

It was quite remarkable because he hit the  very front right of the car. I was heavily laden with the 7 of us, so my car just stopped. He spun and rolled and landed on his roof in the middle of the intersection.  All of us nurses climbed out of the car and looked to see if we were all okay. Shocked but uninjured, I went to turn the car off and others went to see if the occupants of the other car were okay. We were blocking the intersection. Beryl, who went to see the other occupants came running back to me. “Helga!” she said, “They’re leaving – they’re just walking off”. And sure enough there they were – the husband firmly dragging his wife and heading towards Woodstock. Beryl & I ran after them, asking for them to please stop so we could just talk about this. They disappeared into the darkness and we weren’t about to follow them there, so we returned.

At that point, a couple of army guys came up to us. They had been the first to arrive on the scene after it happened. One of them sidled up to me, “Do you want us to get rid of some of your friends?” Of course, we had been completely overloaded, so with appreciation, we accepted his offer to take some of the friends home. There was much discussion about who would go and who would stay. No phones of course, so someone, I can’t remember who, drove Beryl and I to Cape Town central police station, so we could report it. The police followed us back to the scene of the accident. Once they had got what they needed from us, surprisingly, my car was okay to drive and Beryl and I returned to the nurse’s home.

Some months later, I was working at Groote Schuur medical ward, when I was told there was someone to see me. I went to the meeting room and there waiting for me was a very tall burly police officer. He was there to serve me a summons to appear in court at the court case of the guy who jumped the red light. The date arrived and I was called to testify what happened. I was worried that I would be asked how many people were in my car. The judge asked me if I was alone in the car. I said no. Then he asked, ‘was anyone injured?!” Whew. Fortunately not. The guilty party was then allowed to cross question me. He asked me, if I said I was going so slowly, why was his impact so severe? I couldn’t tell him that. He was going fast, but it did help that my car had some useful extra weight in it.

I later heard he was fined R500 for negligent driving and failing to stop after an accident. Apparently, he went to the police station to report the accident the next day. I guess he had to – his car was on it’s roof in the intersection. I never discovered how it was moved out the way.

A long drawn out case of insurance followed. I paid cash for my car to be repaired. Eventually, insurance paid out and that enabled me to pay what I owed on the car and Mike and I married without that debt hanging over our heads.

And that is the story of my 1984 car crash. Forty years ago, yet I remember it well.  We were protected that night, that’s for sure.

Exodus 33:14
The Lord replied, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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Rinse or Spit


Dear Elsie

Today I venture into the world of dentistry. In the last month I had a broken tooth fixed and an oral hygiene appointment, so it was not a surprise when a reel came up on my Instagram feed. It was a dentist looking in horror when she discovered that someone was rinsing their mouth out after they had brushed their teeth. What? For all the years I’ve been brushing my teeth, you finish the brushing, swirl water in your mouth and rinse it out. That’s how  you brush your teeth.  The dentist looked horrified. “That,” she said, “is like putting moisturizer on your face and then hopping in the shower and washing it off!” When you brush your teeth, you want the fluoride to stay in contact with your teeth for as long as possible, so when you have finished brushing, you spit the excess toothpaste out and leave the rest to lovingly coat your teeth. This will allow the fluoride to go to work in protecting them.

Well I never.

Now suddenly, this is a thing. I googled it.

Feeling I was the only person on the planet that didn’t know this, I have spent a week pondering it.  Today, I plucked up the courage to ask Stacey and David what they did. Surely, being the next generation, they already know this.  I left them each a voice note. Stacey’s response…


Mike says he’s not changing – he’s always rinsed and rinsing will continue.  I am now diligently spitting….

Today I didn’t get any exercise and I worked more than 8 hours. It’s because the wind is howling. It’s expected to continue through tomorrow, but be better by Wednesday. Perhaps, Wednesday we can go to the beach.

Graham arrived from the UK (regular guest who comes a couple of times a year). The French guests in the Loft leave tomorrow.

Yesterday I forgot to mention it was Avril’s birthday. My phone reminded me of last year’s birthday party.

The children have grown since then! Happy birthday Avril. May the year ahead be abundantly blessed!

Psalm 32:7
You are my hiding place; You will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂


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Cleaning Day


Dear Elsie

Today, the highlight of the day surely was having a chat with you. You are so full of energy and fun to speak to. You told me all about the drama at school and how friendly your teacher is. She is so good at diffusing drama & doesn’t get worried about it at all. You are enjoying Grade 1 and making new friends. You also enjoyed Sunday School this morning and made a new friend there too.

We needed to do some work today, so started early & cleaned the Seaview Apartment. It wasn’t too bad but still needed to be stripped and cleaned. We took a lot of kitchen stuff outside.

Gave the kitchen a good scrub and put it all back again. Made the bed. Old habits die hard – hospital corners!

Bedroom done and dusted….literally

View from the balcony never fails to impress.

I did two loads of washing, including one of the curtains which had some blotches on it.

Then I took the big car across to the Sun Valley house to put it away in the garage. When I got there, I realised I didn’t have the key to the garage. Fortunately, as I was driving home to get the key, I passed Valerie Gail and so turned around. She was able to let me in. Thanks VG.

Then I walked back to Fish Hoek, did some shopping and went home via the beach.

The wind has picked up and now we are getting notifications of a fire above Red Hill. Latest news is all services are on the scene and no property is in danger. February is the hottest month of the year; fire season and it’s not unusual for the prevailing south-easter to be blowing, so all in all everyone is on high alert.

Dinner time.

Psalm 31:24
Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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The New Loo


Dear Elsie

Today was the day that dawned overcast and cloudy. It was a perfect day for a hike but we had other things on the go. Three guys were coming with Courage to work an extra day, to cut down some bushes behind our house. They were also going to move rocks so Courage has enough to finish the gabion basket walls he has been building. He has done so much work on these. I’m sure he will be pleased when they are done. This was November 2023.

This was yesterday…

That’s the left side – he’s done almost all the right side as well. This was the photo I took from the roof back in November…

While looking through old blog photos, I found this one from October 2019 – Mike standing on the point where he thought our house would start.

I think he was spot on.

Yesterday, Mike and Courage finished the new loo. It’s in the shack (site office), so makes all the difference to the guys working on the site.

While the guys were working, I cleaned the house, including my bedroom, which didn’t get done last week. I shopped and cooked and the Berettas came for dinner. We had a good time together.

Today 2 of our rental units were vacated. The Little Lookout and the Seaview are now both empty. The Seaview guest was invited to spend her last night with friends, so she left a day early. Tomorrow, we’ll clean it as next guest is in on Monday.

Psalm 31:14
But I trust in you, Lord; I say, “You are my God.”

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God Bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂



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A Visit to Des & Marcy


Dear Elsie

Today was a super hot day in Cape Town. As we began the work week on Monday morning,  at the beach with a wonderful swim, we ended the work week in the same way – at the beach this morning swimming in warm Fish Hoek water.

Last night at around 10pm, we got a message from Des and Marcy. They stayed with us in December. They had just arrived back from the UK and their house was having some final renovations done. Des sent a message inviting us round for drinks and snacks, so early this evening we went! It was bumper to bumper from Kalk Bay through to St. James. There was no particular incident that caused the traffic jam – it was just a stunning Friday evening and everyone wanted to go to the beach, to Kalk Bay, to Muizenberg, to Fish Hoek, to St. James and everywhere in between. One person on Facebook posted this…

Fortunately it didn’t take us that long to get to our destination. We managed to park on the sea-side of the Main Rd – a quick U-turn in the bumper to bumper traffic did the trick. We walked the short distance to our destination. Their house is about 90 years old and is beautifully renovated.  The house from the back…

The views from the front are stunning.

The pool deck.

What struck me is how close they are to the sea. At high tide the waves were crashing against the rocks right below. Both the sea and the train are so close by.

It was really fun being there. The ‘snacks and drinks’ turned out to be a few snacks and drinks, followed by a lovely light dinner. They also had a friend named Liz visiting. They are all so well travelled. Des has travelled to 77 countries at least & Liz 32. It’s amazing the places they’ve been.

We ended up getting home an hour ago, hence this late blog.

A lovely way to end the week.

Matthew 25:21
Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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Another Medical Appointment Done


Dear Elsie

Today I ticked another required and overdue appointment when I went to the oral hygienist. I decided to walk which was great. She gave my teeth a good clean and suggested I get some of this…

Apparently the 0.06% variety is important, so that’s the one I’ll look for.

The walk home, while windy, was very pleasant.

It felt good getting exercise with a purpose.

It’s very windy, but overnight we are expecting it to completely drop and tomorrow should be windless. Beach day! Meanwhile, a fire broke out at the wetlands after 4pm. Someone called Em took this photo at 4.21pm…

And this one was posted at 5.27pm. Two choppers were on the scene water bombing it.

A spotter plane has just flown over. The helicopters are still at work – it’s quite a task flying in this wind. We can’t see it but took the photos off one of the other whatsapp groups. Hopefully, it won’t be long before it is out. It looks like it’s burning the veld and no homes are at risk. Fires in this wind are hazardous for sure.

End of the day.

Psalm 30:4-5
Sing to the Lord, you saints of His; praise His holy Name. For His anger lasts only a moment, but His favour lasts a lifetime.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx




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159 Steps


Dear Elsie

It’s been good hearing how busy you are. You have taken grade 1 by storm – swimming, playing tennis, athletics, home work and amidst it all, when it’s cooler, taking Pennie for walks.

She is so cute.

I’m tucked up in bed as I write. It’s early to be in bed, but it’s latish to be writing my account of the day’s events. There wasn’t too much out of the ordinary today. It began drizzly and cool. It was really pleasant.

We didn’t go to the beach, although I did hear the water was stunningly warm. Apparently the waves were quite rough. As the hours passed, the clouds lifted and all signs of rain were gone.

I did a good day’s work and so did Mike and Courage. The site office is coming along…the window is now functioning…

Courage painting the floor of what will be the loo.

After dinner I went walking. I walked to the end of Echo then back down Highway, up Hillside and beyond the Daisy Lane turn off to Zoutendyk steps. I came down these steps the other day, but going up is a different story altogether. There are 159 of them between Hillside & Highway. Yoh. This is looking down after I’d done that climb.

This set end at a corner. Go left and then there’s the rest. It’s fine going down but coming up the number took me by surprise. Anyway, that was a good walk at the end of a good day.

In an ever changing world, it’s good to have this reassurance…

Psalm 29:10
The Lord sits enthroned over the flood; the Lord is enthroned as King forever.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂


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Flights Booked


Dear Elsie

Today was a day of work work work work work. I didn’t do much else. While it’s been a beautiful day, I’ve been largely glued to my office chair with my hands speeding across the keyboard. It has been a satisfying day.

One of the things that also happened today was I booked our flights from Rome to Istanbul and from Istanbul to Cape Town.

It’s done now, so we trust our cruise from Cape Town to Rome will come to pass. The ship we are going on is on a round the world trip at the moment. It’s been cruising round the bottom of South America and has just come out of the Beagle Channel.

I’m not sure if it will go north to the Galapagos Islands before crossing to the Pacific Islands. I’ll wait to see.  It should arrive in Cape Town in 71 days.

Meanwhile, Mike’s site office is coming together…we call it the shack.

The view from up there is pretty spectacular on a day like this…

And now, I’m going to take a walk.

One of my favourite verses in Exodus

Exodus 20:24b
Wherever I cause my name to be honored, I will come to you and bless you.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂



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Chat Boxes for the Win


Dear Elsie

Today has been another fine summer’s day. No wind, abundant sunshine and blue skies all round. We went to the beach and I had a wonderful 35 minute swim. A perfect way to start the day.

When we arrived home, the potential builder for the back build was here along with his electrician. Courage and Ruth had also arrived. They got to work and so did I.

On my mind was a letter received from my British bank wanting to ensure I was paying tax & verify I wasn’t a UK taxpayer. They had a few hoops for me to jump through. I printed out all the forms & my passports.  I found someone to help with the legal part of the job, but to get it done, I needed to add my SA address to their records. I phoned the bank and spent 25 minutes doing that and then asked to be put forward to the tax department. It rang and rang and rang. I was on the bank website, when I noticed another option for help…

Chat now? Yes please. I clicked the button and within seconds Mohammad was inquiring how he could help. I explained. I wasn’t typing to a Bot. I was writing to a person. It was amazing. The conversation started at 15.20. He asked a bunch of questions. And finally, to my surprise,  I got this outcome…

What a relief! That was such a help. Mohammad got a fine review from me.

I then finished work and needed to go to check the Loft was ready. The bathroom with a seaview…

The main Loft space.

We had dinner on the balcony…

Final pic of the day.. next door cat Basil. Photo by David!

A satisfying day.

Psalm 25:14
The Lord confides in those who fear Him; He makes His covenant known to them.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂


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Beach to Beach


Dear Elsie

Today was the day we went to the beach and did a short mountain walk. The water was much warmer than yesterday. I had a good swim and that was followed by a restful day.

Later in the afternoon, we left home (about 4.30pm) and took a walk up Contour Rd to the mountain. We did the walk we did (with Gerrie also with us) on 1st January. Today we got it right.  We went Beach to Beach – from Fish Hoek Beach…

To Glencairn Beach.

This was the route…

We got the route right coming down through Glencairn. We went along Camilla Street and passed this…

We had an easy walk home and after a quick shower, we had dinner on the balcony. One of the treats of living where we live is we can see the airport, so we watched a few planes take off. Two flew over us, Lufthansa and British Airways. We also saw Emirates and Qatar jets take off and head east.

There have been a couple of whales in the bay recently and I got a peak of one this evening. They are far too shy to see often.

The weekend is over. February has begun.  Onwards!

Psalm 27:1
The Lord is my light and my salvation— whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life— of whom shall I be afraid?

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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Not Seaweed, Seals or Sharks


Dear Elsie

Today we went to the beach. There were not loads and loads of people in the water. It was not seaweed, seals or sharks keeping them out – it was a Celsius issue! The water was COLD!  When we arrived, Mike made the error of asking someone who had just got out what the temperature was like. ‘Cold’, she said.  The man on the bench added, “12 degrees”. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. “Really! I’m excited!” I said. “That will elicit a shiver response!” The shiver response is supposed to be good for your immune system. Off I went, enthusiastically ready to face 12C. If it was, I couldn’t imagine staying in for half an hour. In I went. It was cold. The most noticeable symptom was very painful hands/wrists. That took a few minutes to pass. I started trying to swim and got a number of strokes but I soon got brain freeze. I decided while it was cold, it wasn’t 12C. I think it probably was about 14 or 15C. I stayed in for 29 minutes and then suddenly, it was too cold. I needed to get out. That took a minute or two so I got my 30 minutes.

No wonder not too many people were swimming.

At least the seaweed had gone.

One of the most important things to appreciate is good health. Every single day when I wake up and am in good working condition, I appreciate it. Today I took advantage of health and strength and cleaned our apartment. Mike and I have been doing our fair share of cleaning the rental units. One of the issues is I scrub and clean them and when I come back to our place, all the dirt stands out. Today I sent about doing more of a deep clean. I haven’t finished but I did most of the main spaces. I still need to do our bedroom and my study area.

I have been following the news of the second air crash in the US. When I opened YouTube today, this very insightful video about the first crash on 29th January was recommended to me. It follows the air traffic control tower and is explained by YouTuber Captain Steeeve.  Best explanation I’ve heard thus far. So tragic.

Life is short and uncertain. Enjoy every day & appreciate life. It can change so quickly.

Exodus 15:13
In your unfailing love you will lead the people you have redeemed. In your strength you will guide them to your holy dwelling.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip

Gran xx 🙂

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My Feet are in Good Hands


Dear Elsie

Today was the day I went to the podiatrist. I’ve been a couple of times and it was about 3 years ago that I first went, but today, I went to the super-duper technologically advanced podiatrist.

He had me walk on his tech pad.

And it recorded my foot prints.

Then he explained the finer (complex) details of my footfall and what each foot is doing. He could see that I was having more trouble with my left foot than my right.

He also took a cast in stuff that is like florist foam. He kept my inserts and will build them up/ adjust them and I will collect them on Wednesday from his Fish Hoek office. Blessed to have such up-to-date expertise. He also said I need to do some strengthening exercises.

We have had a beautiful day today. There are lots of dolphins in the sea at the moment and, according to a house up the road, 2 whales went past. I didn’t see them though.

Courage came back to work today and is feeling much better. He and Mike worked on the site office which is coming together nicely.

Julian has arrived to ask if I am going for a walk with him, so let me wrap this up and head on out.

Ciao January – it’s been a good one.

Matthew 20:34
Jesus had compassion on them and touched their eyes. Immediately they received their sight and followed Him.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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Elsie’s Sports


Dear Elsie

Wow, you have had a busy sporting week. Last evening was your school sports day. I’m glad they had it in the late afternoon so it wasn’t so hot. Lining up for the sprints…

Then today there was tennis…

And you’ve been to swimming too. It’s crazy how fast this year has begun and how busy you are.

At the end of the day, it was hard to keep your eyes open…

You are reading on your own now. I think you will be the prolific reader your Mom was. I think she read every book in the Sun Valley Primary School library!

I’m sure you are going to be happy the weekend is round the corner. Friday tomorrow.

For us, it was cool and a little damp this morning. What a lovely kind of day. I worked the day and then afterwards Julian and I took a walk into Fish Hoek. The evening was lovely. The beach was busy & still laden with seaweed.

The shark net truck had to drive over it.

Lots of seaweed caught in the net.

Such a beautiful evening…

We walked home via Daisy Lane.

Enjoy every day.

Psalm 25:9
He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them His way.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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Kelp and Dolphins


Dear Elsie

Today was the day we went to the beach and found an abundance of seaweed.

Getting into the water meant walking through the hidden stuff. Once I got out of depth, it improved. Out at the barrel it was much better but still not the best day to swim.  It didn’t deter too many people. Lots were swimming today.

I did my day’s work and then later in the afternoon Riana came with one of her oldest friends Marysia. We had tea on the balcony and were graced with an abundance of enthusiastic dolphins who found shoals of fish.

They were fun to watch.

The other news of the week that I haven’t mentioned is that Courage has been off. He first got a flu kind of virus. He came back to work and then stepped off the ladder awkwardly and hurt his foot. It started improving but now seems to have got some sort of infection. He’s booked off ’til Monday. Today he said he was already improving after an antibiotic kicked in. Mike  has been working on the site office on his own, trying to get it water tight before any significant rain. And today Julian arrived.

Hard to believe it is almost the end of January. It’s been a long month.

Psalm 24:1
The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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