Grandparents Day 2024


Dear Elsie

Today was the day we left Cape Town really early and drove through to spend Grandparents Day at your school. We had a fun, fun time. I think you liked the games the best hitting balloons with a fly swatter and using a pool noodle to hit a tennis ball to each other. We had a good time. You showed me your classroom.

You and your very best friend Simone played on the jungle gym.

You went across the balance beam.

Here’s the photo you took of us…

And when you got home, I gave you the butterfly wings which you absolutely love!

In the afternoon, Grandpa and I went for a walk to the shops to buy a few things. On the way home, we found this path…

And decided to walk along it.

It was lovely and went deep into a grove. It was quite wet so when we found an exit path, we took it. We came home via the nature reserve which was very muddy but has a lovely view of Swellendam.

Later we went for another walk. When we got home we had dinner and then played ludo which was a lot of fun and it was a very close game.

We had a lovely time. My heart is full.

Romans 10:13
Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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Yachts and Whales


Dear Elsie

Today was the day I worked the entire day so outside life became very small, but I did get to see yachts and whales. The whales are very difficult to get pics of but the yachts showed up the lovely day.

Such a beautiful day. It’s hard to believe that I would ever get to enjoy this view. We spoke about it the other day. If it hadn’t been for Julian randomly asking  us to go in with him when he bought the cottage, we would never have been here. Julian had put in a cheeky offer. When the estate agent (nicknamed Pollie because he used to be in the police) went to take the seller (Leslie) the offer, before he went in, she said to him, ‘first let us pray.’ Pollie said, ‘you don’t know what I’ve come to say.’ She said, ‘I know you have come to talk business.’ And with that she prayed. Pollie presented the offer. She asked if we wanted the house to sell and make money on,  or to live in. He said to keep it to live in. She read from the Bible, Hebrews 12:1  ‘Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us,’ and with that, she accepted our offer!  We would never be here if the Lord hadn’t opened the door. That’s for sure.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂


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A Very Varied Day


Dear Elsie

Today was a very varied day. Some people have these very varied days every day but for me they only come along once in a while. Apart from work, I went to a pre-school, I went and had my cholesterol tested and I snooped around a half built house.

I began the day by going to visit iThemba school where I met a little chap called Siphokanya. I got given a little key ring with his name on it, so I can remember to pray for him.

From there I went back to work and had a couple of meetings. Just after 12 noon, Mike was going to get a prescription filled, so I went along with him. We went to Dischem. While he was in the queue, I went to see if I could get my cholesterol checked. There was no one waiting.  A couple of years ago the doctor put me on 10mg Aspavor for my cholesterol which was 8 at the time. I don’t like chemicals so I diligently cut the 10mg pills in half and have been taking 5mg. I know  my cholesterol came down because about 2 months after starting on it, I checked it and it was 6. Today my nonfasting test came out at 4.9. I need to work on upping my HDL.

Mike also had his done. He’s on 20mg of lipi-something. His was 4.63.

We did a little bit of shopping but there were emails building up in my inbox, so didn’t hang around and I came home to work.  Two hours later I was finished and Mike joined me on doing a 5km walk to the Glencairn look out which has the new Simon’s Town sign.

The view of Simon’s Town from behind the sign.

We returned up Hillside Rd where Werner (our builder) is working on a house and he was there with his workers wrapping up for the day. He invited us in to show us around. It was so interesting to see. The owners (from Johannesburg) bought the house for R7 million and are spending a further R4 million renovating it to accommodate a father-in-law in one unit, the other in-laws in another, a daughter in the 3rd and they are having the top unit. The one thing they will also have that we don’t is a lot of parking! 4 Garages. It was good to see. The view is lovely. The higher you go, the better it gets.

We got home to find David had arrived for dinner. We caught up with him, watched some TV and he has now left.

Time to enjoy the evening.

I’m up to the second half of Romans 8 & today apart from reading Romans 8:28, I read this:

Romans 8:38-39
For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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A Long Walk Home


Dear Elsie

Today was the day I got most of my work done in the morning and then at lunchtime I had a haircut. The hairdresser lives on Boyes Drive so I was dropped there and walked home. It was about 7.5km. This was just after I left the hairdresser. 

Muizenberg to Strandfontein…

It was really a fun walk because all the time I was walking towards home and just after the shark spotter and up the rest of the hill, I went around a little bend and got a first glimpse of home.

There was a massive bird of prey in this brown tree in the middle. It was only after I passed, I saw it majestically take off and fly away.

Further along, destination in the distance.

I decided to go down Jacob’s ladder. 312 steps….but  much easier steps than the Jacob’s ladder on St Helena Island. The Kalk Bay Jacob’s ladder…

St Helena’s Jacob’s Ladder. 699 very steep steps.

I inched towards Fish Hoek. This is from Dalebrook…

The stroll through Kalk Bay was super fun. There was lots of activity and very vibey.


I walked all the way round to Clovelly, over the bridge, across the railway line through this path to the beach.

Along the beach…

And finally I was here.

It was a good long walk & I felt very satisfied at the end. We certainly live in a beautiful neck of the woods.

Psalm 18:32
It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂




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A Very Busy Monday for All


Dear Elsie

Today was a very busy Monday for everyone. While I got stuck into work, Mike had to go sort out some plumbing problems. The water bill at our previous house has doubled, so there was some underground leak. There was also a leak in the roof. That took up most of the day, but at least it is mainly resolved.

I worked 7 hours and then took off for a walk. I took Julian, assuring him the walk would not be longer than about 4 or maybe 5 km. I wanted to show him the Silvermine wetlands, but I didn’t realise that the route I took would be more than 3km one way. Oops. He got extra exercise because a car had broken down and he helped push.

We finally got to the Silvermine wetlands and walked to the bridge and back.

To get home, we crossed Main Rd and then the railway line, just as a train was coming along.

I waved at the train driver and he sounded a whistle in return! One day we must take a ride into Cape Town on this train.

We came out at the very end of the beach.

Julian got caught in a wave.

He had to walk home with squidgy shoes.  You can see it was a beautiful day. The walk was 6.6km in the end. I don’t think Julian will believe me next time when I say, ‘it will be 4km tops!’

I still need to go out to buy some milk. Maybe I should do that now.

I can’t end today’s entry without mentioning my Dad who, had he lived, would have turned 92 today. Never forgotten.

Romans 8:6
…the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂


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“That’s The Safety Watch!”


Dear Elsie

Today was the day we said goodbye to your Mom and you welcomed her back with open arms. It really was a treat having her and getting to spend time with her. We look forward so much to seeing you later this week.

After a lovely breakfast out, we said our goodbyes and then we had a restful day at home. In the afternoon, I had Miranda come round to drop some pen holders, which I have attached to  my notebook, diary and Bible. At least they may succeed in keeping my pencils in reach.

Later this afternoon, I walked down to the shops to buy some food for dinner. My neighbourhood watch bib continues to seemingly be somewhat protective. It appears to deflect and attract attention in equal parts. Beggars and suspicious people don’t approach me, while everyone else is happy to greet. I walked the cat walk today. There have been a few nasty incidents on it over the last few months and there is an ongoing complaint that law enforcement are not frequently deployed. I didn’t realise my bright yellow bib would attract so  much attention.

As I walked past some tourists, I head them say in their British accents,  “Oooh, that’s the Safety Watch!” They seemed impressed, which is of course, amusing, because I am hardly  capable of catching a criminal!   Visitors are concerned about what they hear in the media so they possibly perceive the presence of a neighbourhood watch safety vest on the cat walk as reassuring. There are loads of people that walk. Wearing this makes me feel safer. If more people pop one one when they are out walking, it will increase visibility and make them feel safer. It’s win-win.

We had lasagne for dinner, watched a Grand Design and a 48 Hours and now it’s time for me to turn in for the night. A busy week ahead.

Psalm 17:6
I call on you, O God, for you will answer me; give ear to me and hear my prayer.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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Willis Walk


Dear Elsie

Today was the day we did a number of things with your Mom. We went to Wynberg to Fabric World and she bought some fabric, mainly for you! Before coming home we did a bit of shopping. Back at the house, we had a break and some lunch and then we went down to the penguins! We showed Mama the secret beach!

Absolutely idyllic – could be anywhere in the world.

We then walked along Willis Walk.

The boardwalk named after Dumps!

We saw loads of penguins along  here. These cute chicks…

and this handsome fella…

There was also a dassie chilling in the sunshine.

Boulders Beach…

At the end, we turned off the boardwalk up a path that led to Simon’s Town rd.

And walked back to the car along the road.  I wasn’t done walking though. I was dropped at Harbour Bay and walked home from there. That was refreshing & I nailed in the first 5 verses of Psalm 8.

Chicken burgers for dinner.

Proverbs 19:21
Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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Special Visitor


Dear Elsie

Today was the day a very special visitor came – your Mom arrived for a couple of nights. She had an appointment in Cape Town. You and Papa are getting some great time together. This evening when you phoned, you looked so happy and snug. We are missing you but look forward to seeing you next week for Grandparents Day!

Meantime, for us, it is a treat having Stacey with us.

Julian took this one and made us all laugh as he went down on one knee to try get a better shot.

This evening we all went out for dinner, including David and we had a wonderful time together. We came home and up for tea and dessert.

These family times together are super special and every moment enjoyed! Lovely to have Stacey here. My heart is full!

Romans 5:8
But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In  His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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Carried Away With Work


Dear Elsie

It’s almost the weekend and I’m really excited because tomorrow, my Elsie darling, your Mom comes to visit. You get to spend time with Papa while Mama gets to spend time with us.  We are so looking forward to it.

Today was the day I got carried away with work. This week, I’ve managed to finish work relatively early and then go walking, but today there was too much work to do that. I’m grateful for my work, that’s for sure.  When I did eventually get through it all, I had to go shopping as we had run out of most of our staples. I got home at just before 4.30pm. I did a little more work and then got some walking in. I walked to the end of the street.

More than 3 months have passed since the massive fire swept through the lower part of the street. They say it will take at least 5 years  for the vegetation to return to normal. No. 41 Echo is being restored. It got badly burnt. The owners hope to be back in in time for Christmas. One of the houses on the lower slopes and that felt the full force of the inferno is now under construction.

This was 8th April, the day after the fire…

This is today…. there is scaffolding and walls are going up.

I look forward to watching it grow and to see what rises from the ashes.

This is the wonderful garden just by the entrance to our street.

Avid local gardeners keep it in shape and we all get to enjoy it.

Romans 5:1
Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂



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17th July 1979


Dear Elsie

Today’s the day I celebrate 45 years of being a Christian.

An overwhelming appreciation that it’s not about now and that we are only passing through. I know where I am headed. As much as I may cling to this earthly world, one day when my last breath is breathed, it won’t be over for me. I know the best is yet to come.  All of that security and assurance started filtering through my mind and soul when I was 14 years old and I prayed a simple prayer to ask Jesus into my life.  And I’m just scratching the tip of the iceberg. There is so much more to come.

These are some of the words that come to mind when I reflect on what I have received over the last 45 years.

  1. Relief
  2. Forgiveness
  3. Love
  4. Security
  5. Counsel
  6. Peace
  7. Comfort
  8. Assurance
  9. Guidance
  10. Wisdom
  11. Joy
  12. Understanding
  13. Contentment
  14. Gladness
  15. Provision
  16. Satisfaction
  17. Clarity
  18. Knowledge
  19. Awe
  20. Grace

So much gratitude for what God did for me on this day. The enormity of that tiny short prayer whispered in the quietness of my bedroom is never lost on me. How can such a small step result in such a powerful outcome – only through the Creator of the Universe. He can do anything. Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord!

Today was a normal work day. I finished around 2pm when Julian, Mike and I went across to the Thomas’s for Julian to look at some books. Mike and I then walked home. Shortcut joining two of the Ranger Rds

Valley views – looking down Fish Hoek Main Rd

Looking towards Chapman’s Peak

And finally, Raiku has got into watching planes take off at Heathrow.

Really getting into it!

Oh happy day! I love you my Elsie darling. Keep trusting Jesus all the days of your life.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you!

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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9km Walk


Dear Elsie

Today was the day I went on a 9km walk. I wasn’t sure I would because the day began with all the signs of rain.

I worked all morning and I have to admit, it was mainly from my rocking chair. At lunchtime, I had finished, so I put my walking shoes on and off I went. I took a backpack with  my raincoat as well as my pepper spray and wore my NHW high viz vest. This, I have learned is a great deterrent. No one negative approaches me – they all think I am some sort of security, so they stay away. The security cars and other para-safety people all greet me with warmth & appreciation.   I feel so much safer walking with it on. I’m easily visible, avoided by those I want to be avoided by and approached by those who are harmless. I walked up Highway and this view had me believing the rain was gone.

I wanted to go to the Silvermine Wetlands, but knew there and back from our house would not be as long as I wanted to walk today. I wanted a 9km walk, so I took a very long route to get there. Up the mountain, down Berg Rd, up Ranger,  down Pass, over Kommetjie, down 17th to Valyland. I stopped there for some water and to check my email. Then I walked down the cycle track alongside the primary school, past Bay Primary and through the avenues to the wetlands. The bridge is being repaired.

The walk along the path on the Fish Hoek side is idyllic. I felt so safe and it is very picturesque.

I’ll definitely do it again. Home again, taking a slightly longer route to make up exactly 9km.

Tomorrow looks like another good day to walk, although I think I may tone it down a bit & only do 6km.

I’m reading through Romans at the moment & have encountered this passage.

Romans 3:22-24
This righteousness is given through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference between Jew and Gentile, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.

Tomorrow, it’s 45 years since I received this wonderful gift of salvation. The impact of the 17th July 1979 is never far from my thoughts.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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First Sunny Day in a Week


Dear Elsie

Today was the first sunny day in a week. There was a shower late this afternoon, but the day all in all was filled with sunshine.  I think everyone was very happy to see the sun again. This was the sunrise…

There was a Southern Right whale in the bay this morning, but as soon as the sun rose & the glare increased, I lost sight of it.

I had two meetings this morning. At about 1.30pm, we went for a walk to Harbour Bay to pick up some shopping. Such a perfect day for walking. This is on the path along side the train tracks between Simon’s Town and Glencairn. The snow on the distant mountains is just visible.

This is from the same spot looking the other way.

The path comes out at Glencairn station, but walking on past Glencairn Tidal pool comes out at this path to the beach.

The return walk was just under 9km. We didn’t rush & it was very pleasant.

I did a bit more work and now I’m settling down for some You Tube videos.

A good start to the week.

Psalm 11:1
In the Lord I take refuge.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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Hope of Sunshine


Dear Elsie,

Today was the day I thought we may get some sunshine and it did come from time to time. But intermittently there were showers too. In anticipation of the sun coming out, I did a load of washing and also managed to get some tumble drying done.

It was a serious stay at home day where almost no walking was done. My activity was mainly cleaning the house. I paid special attention to the island. The taps haven’t been cleaned with  my glasses on (haha) for a while. Amazing how much dirt is missed when I don’t wear my reading glasses when I’m cleaning.

When we were doing the finishes for the house, the taps and the black kitchen sink in the island were two of the items we debated over. I’m still so happy with them. Considering we didn’t have a clue what we were doing, it worked out quite well. Mike and Courage made all the cabinets and the island for the kitchen.

There’s satisfaction in cleaning!

This afternoon there was the Wimbledon final. Clear skies beyond.

We went for a walk afterwards and sunset seems to show a clearing from the north.

The wind has stopped blowing, the sea is flat and it looks like tomorrow will be fair. Enjoy it while it lasts!

Meanwhile, this is Jo’burg weather for the week. Are you serious?! What kind of winter temperatures are these?

End of the weekend and an early start tomorrow. I have an 8am meeting.

Psalm 10:17
You hear O Lord the desire of the afflicted; you encourage them and you listen to their cry.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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Flooding and Mud Slides


Dear Elsie

It was great to speak to you today my sweetheart Elsie. You are such a treat. I love the voice note you sent me the other day. You needed to tell me that your shower cap had different colour spots and was not just blue. (I had said your shower cap was blue like  mine). You explained I was wrong & said, “I’m just informing you, but I still love you lots and lots and lots!” And I love you lots and lots and lots as well!

Today was the day it rained (again) quite heavily overnight and steadily during the day. The forecast for the week ahead doesn’t look to bring too much sunshine either.

We started the day with some exercise. Mike ran 6km and I walked 4km and we met at the foot of the stairs. Breakfast and resting and then this afternoon we took a drive to see some of the storm damage and mud slides. This is on the way to Cape Point. There is a stop and go. There are several areas under construction. At this one, the gabion baskets had collapsed down the hill towards the beach. There is water pouring down the drain and at that point, there is a burst water main causing the fountain.

Work is underway to repair the road and shore up the mountainside with more gabion baskets.  Meanwhile, across at the Silvermine wetlands, the bridge is collapsing. Leon posted this on FB.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg. The informal settlements are going to take a long time to recover. The rain is incessant. It can’t be easy trying to stay dry. The guest in the loft is enjoying the new window. He wondered what a Cape Town winter was like and now he knows.

This evening, it’s rugby. Mike is tearing his hair out.

He doesn’t often watch these games live, preferring to know the outcome and watch the win afterwards. I’ve convinced him to watch it live! It’s now nearly half time – Ireland 13 SA 6.

Whatever happens with the rugby and the weather, life carries on & with rain, there are rainbows!

I am sure I most likely  used this verse a year ago today.

1 Chronicles 16:11
Look to the Lord and His strength; seek His face always.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂


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Tale of Two Tables


Dear Elsie

Today was another day that was cold and wet. While the wind wasn’t as strong and rain as forceful, the showers that rolled by continue to contribute to the floods. This weekend, another cold front is expected so it’s not over yet. So far the City has had a lot of rain in July.

After work, I took a walk to buy fish and chips for dinner. On the way home, I went via the beach – this is a rare sight at this storm water drain. It’s the one closest to the restaurant and has seldom got water coming out of it, let alone a waterfall.

Meanwhile, my tale of two tables involves an old one and one that is yet to be. My dear friends the Beales had a collapsible table which they had on their patio. Many a Thursday lunchtime, I sat around this table with Aunty Wyn. I was in my 30s and Aunty Wyn was a great mentor.   When they went overseas, they were selling off the contents of their home and asked me if I wanted the table. It has been with us ever since.  With the rainy weather, Courage made a project of sprucing it up. Ideal indoor project.

It’s now in our lounge while Granny’s table is in the loft. Meanwhile, today, Mike went to pick up the wood for the new dining room table he is planning on making for us. It is blackwood and beautiful!

He will probably start working on that exciting new project next week. I’m so looking forward to watching it be created.

It’s been a good week.

Psalm 9:18
God will never forget the needy; the hope of the afflicted will never perish.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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