Old and the Recent


Dear Elsie

I’ve been reading Travels Along the Coastal Road (Simon’s Town to Muizenberg 1743 – 1890) and it’s fascinating to take a trip into the past and see how life was lived in Fish Hoek all those years ago. There are many old photos in the book.  The road between Muizenberg and St James looked like this in 1858…

A few month’s ago when I walked back from the hairdresser, I took this photo…not from exactly the same place but you can see the difference.

One day I’ll have to take the book with me to try get a photo of the exact spot of some of these photos. This next one is Clovelly corner. Back in the day it was called Kepple’s Folly and was one of the most treacherous parts of the route from Muizenberg to Simon’s Town.

It’s not really recognisable from today’s Clovelly corner. If the rocks could talk!

It wasn’t only the steepness of the bank they had to worry about. They were then met by the Silvermine River which regularly had sinking sand. Getting across was often really difficult and time consuming. Once across this river, along the beach was Fish Hoek’s southern side…1895

And in 2024…

Time moves on. One wonders what our mountain will look like in 100 years time. We need to make the most of every day and try to enjoy it.

Today I worked, I walked and this evening David and Anna came for dinner, so that was a treat.

Psalm 91:2
I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust.”

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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A New Cross in Town


Dear Elsie

Today was the day I discovered a new cross in town. The other day we were out walking and passed this exact point & it wasn’t there. This morning, my early morning walk was practical, in that we needed milk. I left home at just after 7am and walked up Highway, down Daisy Lane, down Hillside to the shops and returned along the service road behind Fish Hoek Beach. That lane leads to Dolphin Park and there, standing tall on what was an old sundial, is a new cross.

On closer inspection, it’s been put up by this organisation…

A great initiative.

The wind continued to blow today. This didn’t seem to deter the early morning beach faithful, who were out by about the dozen with their body boards. The waves were relentless and I was glad to not be one of them swimming in these conditions.

Windy days are also for kite surfers. There were two that were far from the beach and at times far from the coast too.

When I got home from my shopping trip, I cooked breakfast which is very unusual for a Monday.  I worked from 9am to 5pm & then finished up with a short walk with Julian.

It was a day without whales!

1 Timothy 6:17
Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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We Nearly Jumped Out of Our Skin


Dear Elsie

A quiet Sunday morning was shattered by an enormously loud sound passing right overhead. It sounded like a jet was hurtling towards the earth and was about to plunge dramatically into our house. And then suddenly, as quickly as the sound came, it left and peace returned. All that remained were shattered nerves & a rush of adrenaline. We nearly jumped out of our skin. The street whatsapp group immediate sprang to life.

Apparently it was a Saab JAS 30 Gripen. Henriette managed to get a video. Difficult to get but gives you the idea.

No sooner had my heart rate come back down to normal, there was more to see out the window as an incessant knocking had me looking to see what I was hearing. There was a whale slapping his tail. Another resident, Tamara managed to get this video.

All I got was the tail…

After a while, it made a huge splash and disappeared under the water, not to be seen again. You can see from the video how windy it is today.

Later in the day we decided to go out for scones. We decided Little Stream would be a good place to visit.  The photos speak for themselves. Such a lovely spot – as spring has spring it’s absolutely enchanting.

After tea, we went for a walk…


Little stream at Little Stream!

Altogether a lovely day despite the wind.

Psalm 89:14
Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne; love and faithfulness go before You.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂


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Unparalleled Whale Season


Dear Elsie

Today was the day I woke up really early. I went out on the balcony in time to hear a whale  slap its tail. As the sun rose, I was in for a treat. I spotted 6 whales cavorting, snorting, breaching and blowing. One after the other there were tell-tale signs, if I missed them leaping, they left behind concentric circles and foamy water. I felt I was on holiday and seeing exciting things for the very first time.

At the beginning of this whale season, there was no forecast of what was to come. No one was watching or monitoring the great migration of whales to False Bay. We would never have guessed it would be unparalleled & what a lovely surprise it has been. Suddenly, they were there in droves, Brydes, Humpbacks & Southern Right Whales. Their once rare distant breaches have turned into leaping and porpoising, with extravagant exuberant tale slapping, all  very close to the shoreline.  They have moved in! Fish Hoek Bay seems to have become their  holiday home with all of False Bay their back yard. I went walking to Fish Hoek this morning and spoke to one of the regulars who said there are at least 30 whales in the bay & more on the Hout Bay side. There is no reason to go to Hermanus – they are right here on our doorstep. It’s been such a treat to behold & up early, I got first dibs on their morning activities. 2024 will go down as having an unparalleled whale season. Hopefully, it will be the start of many.

David came up for breakfast. He is doing better and trying to build up his strength. LDN has really helped. If you have any form of chronic fatigue, LDN could be a solution. We get it from Integrow.

Courage came today. He did some work with 2 other workers on the top plot. Also, a package arrived for him and he was thrilled. We gave him money for his birthday and he bought a new jacket and hat.

And, Elsie,  I got to have a video call with you and see my gift! My birthday is coming soon and I’m looking forward to seeing you!

I cleaned the house and did the washing. A satisfying day.

One of the famous verses of the Old Testament

Jeremiah 33:3
‘Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂


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The Flowers are Smiling


Dear Elsie

Today was the day that was very busy at the start but will end well. The guests left the Seaview Apartment early this morning, leaving behind this beautiful gift.

Ruth cleaned the apartment and the neighbours have moved in for 6 weeks (while the German owners are in town). Meanwhile, a new guest arrived to go into the Loft. That was the business of the day.

At lunchtime, I set out for a walk, not realising how hot it would be.  When the sun is shining brightly, the flowers are wildly smiling..

I went up to the Mountain path (it joins two Mountain Rds) The start of the path…

The view…

And the last piece of the path…

From the path, it’s interesting to look at the houses on the mountainside. Some of them have amazing back gardens.


I got home and chatted to the neighbours who were busy moving in. They come with Badger, their dog and Basil and Cybil, their two cats. Basil was already settling in and Raiku joined him.

The cats have settled on a frosty situationship!

Dinner with the family.

No plans for this weekend, so we’ll see how it turns out.

Jeremiah 32:26-27
Then the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah: “I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?”

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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Tranquility at the Beach


Dear Elsie

Today was the day we planned to not go to the beach as the weather was forecast to be a little chilly. As it turned out, the sea was so flat and the sun tried to peep through the clouds, so off we went. It was beautiful down there. The tide was very low. The water was about 16C.

The highlight was the presence of a Southern right whale with her calf who quietly and slowly glided towards Clovelly from the Sunny Cove side.

Those in the sea were able to watch the long silhouette of the great beast of the sea as it moved on the surface of the sea. It is the most amazing way to start the day.

Later, the whales set their sights on Simon’s Town, passing our house along the way.

Sad news today is the passing one of the much loved cats of the Jo’burg family. So sorry to hear that Athena took a bad turn yesterday, deteriorated fast and passed away this morning. So sad and this precious beauty Athena, will be missed. I’m so sorry.

Life can be so fragile.

Jeremiahs 31:3
The Lord appeared to us in the past, saying: “I have loved you with an everlasting love;
I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.”

God’s plan is always for salvation.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂


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4 Years of Beautiful Sunrises


Dear Elsie

Today, 4 years ago, we moved to our new home. Time has flown by and we have been the very blessed recipients of 4 years of beautiful sunrises. This morning’s did not disappoint.

The wind had dropped and I went out on the balcony in time to see two whales frolicking in the early morning light.  Such a treat. This doesn’t get old.

I did some work and then at 8am, we headed to the beach. It’s full moon tonight and there is a spring tide, so low tide is very very low and high tide is very very high. It was low tide at Fish Hoek.

After a 30 minute dip with not too much swimming (the sea was murky and the swells were large), we walked to the shops for pawpaw and bananas. Then home via the cat walk again. A train at Sunny Cove station.

Very blessed to have spent 4 years here and hopeful for many more to come.

I am grateful.

Today I read Jeremiah 29 and encountered this famous verse.

Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Sometimes things don’t go well, so it’s good to embrace the days that do.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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A Whale Washed Up


Dear Elsie

Tuesdays are always a little less chaotic than Mondays. Although I worked the whole day, I also fitted in a couple of walks, getting my 10000 steps for the day. Yesterday, I had to settle for 8000.

Today was the day a whale washed up at Longbeach in Simon’s Town. Nigel Riley was there to get the story & take some photos…

It’s not often you get to see these giants of deep  up close. There have been so many whales in the bay, it is not really surprising that every now and then one will die in our waters.  Sad that it’s so young. I remember a Brydes Whale washing up at Long Beach,  Kommetjie  and being loaded onto an enormous truck to be taken for disposal. Weighing something like 14 tonnes, the going was slow. We got caught behind the convoy of cars on Ou Kaapse Weg. On arriving at the other side we soon found out what the delay was…(this was August 2020)

Always very sad to see.

A short while ago, three navy frigates cruised across False Bay, moving in formation, apparently from Brazil, India and South Africa.

The wind has continued but not quite at the velocity of yesterday. We are looking forward to calmer days ahead. Who knows, perhaps tomorrow, we’ll get a swim in.

Psalm 85:8
I will listen to what God the Lord says; He promises peace to His people

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂



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Windy Windy


Dear Elsie

The wind blew in the start of the new week with great gusto!

I had seen it may be gusting up to 65km/hour and braced myself for whistling, howling and whooshing  past our windows. When it’s this windy, we don’t spend too much time on the balcony. Have said that, the north facing balcony is more sheltered. It’s always difficult to get a good idea of how windy it is from a photo. This is from my rocking chair…those white horses are a clue…

But the number of lines at Fish Hoek beach are also as a result of the strong south-easter.

The wind is unpleasant to be sure but we can be grateful it blows away all the smog. Fresh oxygenated air remains. It also holds the distinction of being the cause of rain falling in Gauteng. It blows the inclement weather north. When it’s been blowing gales in Cape Town, expect rain in Johannesburg.

We have been watching the Europa Clipper on telly. It’s only due to arrive in 6 years time. I guess they will have a team keeping an eye on it every minute of the day & night until then. There’s a thought.

Psalm 84:5
Blessed are those whose strength is in you, whose hearts are set on pilgrimage.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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Miller’s Point


Dear Elsie

Today was the day we went to Miller’s Point with David. Millers is on the way to Cape Point, about 5km after Simon’s Town. The beautiful sea front land was sold to Edmond Miller in 1825. He developed it as another (horrible) whaling station. That lasted for 25 years and after that it was hardly used until 1920s when the Molteno family bought it as a holiday retreat. They donated it to the city in 1961. There are two entrances – one down to the Black Marlin restaurant (in the Manor House of the Molteno family).  The second entrance takes you to the slipway and it’s in that location there is a marvellous tidal pool.

Mike left for a 6km run, while we got ready to swim…

I had to try out the slide…

The water was so warm (about 18C). We left our bags on the rock and were both in the pool when a lone (confident) baboon came along to investigate. David said not to worry, he’ll find there’s no food and move away. He opened David’s back and then moved onto mine. In one of the pouches was my cell phone and I was worried he would move the bag and it would slip into the sea, so I started up the stairs towards him. That seemed to do the trick as he ran off.  I got some swimming done and it was really a highlight of the day.  When the tide came it, it bought with it numerous blue bottles. That made me call it a day!

Later in the day, Julian and I walked to the end of Fish Hoek beach and back. I took a photo of Clovelly corner.

If the rocks below the road could speak, they would have stories to tell. This is what the descent looked like in 1898. (From the book Travels along the Coastal road by Michael Walter).

Not for the faint hearted.

Yesterday, when we came home from a walk, we met David and Anna who had just arrived home. David had found a tennis ball. He decided it would be a good idea to try throw it up to our house. With all the strength he could muster he threw it as high as he could. It landed somewhere and never came back down. When Julian and I went back up to our level, there it was on the balcony. I don’t think we have seen the last of that old tatty tennis ball!

It is wonderful having David feeling stronger and able to get out and about. He still can’t walk too long or be on his feet for more than 10-15 minutes, but he is generally doing much better and pacing himself.

The end of a very pleasant weekend.

2 Thessalonians 1:6
God is just

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂




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History of Whales at Fish Hoek


Dear Elsie

Today was the day I slept a little later than usual as I went to bed so late last night. I woke up at 5am to Raiku’s incessant pleas to be let out, so I staggered out of bed and opened the window for him. I then fell asleep until after 7am, which is unusually late for me. I made coffee and did my Bible reading and then had an early chat with you and your Mom! x You are going to Nora’s 6th birthday party this afternoon.

At around 9am, we headed for the beach. The water was considerably warmer than yesterday (I’m thinking 15 or 16C). The shark net was in place. The sea was flat and calm and swimming was easy, so I had a good 30 minute dip with lots of swimming in between. I didn’t take my phone this morning, so have to rely on the photos from yesterday morning.

Today it was much busier. We went later and of course, it’s a Saturday so lots more people had headed down to enjoy the lovely conditions.

Yesterday, when we were walking home, I heard an abundance of chirping in trees just down the street. On closer inspection, there is a wonderful number of newly built homes.

The weaver birds have it easy. No approved plans for them. No occupation certificates required.  They look so attractive. Spring is quickly turning into summer.

Today has again been windless and the whales have hung around to bring us much pleasure and intrigue. They sometimes are very close to the the shore. Whales at Fish Hoek are not new. Fish Hoek has an unfortunate history of whale hunting. The Southern Right Whale acquired its name from being the right whale to to catch, having, according to C. Postlethwayte (ref Whaling in False Bay: Then and now) it is said they had an abundance of baleen and oil and moving slowly enough for a rowing boat to approach to make the kill. Then, conveniently their carcasses floated. How glad I am I wasn’t around in the early 1800s when this was going down. Apparently, according to this publication, it was the 3rd highest income earning industry in the Cape Colony between 1820 and 1840. To get more from this publication, it’s easier for me to take a screen shot of the page, so you can read it for yourself.

oldest building in the bay – ‘Uitkyk” – above it was one of the whaling houses where blubber pots used to stand.

You can read the whole booklet here.

Gruesome history of whaling at Fish Hoek. Now we sit on our balcony and admire the giant creatures of our sea knowing they are protected. Amazing to watch them.

Jeremiah 20:13
Sing to the Lord! Give praise to the Lord! He rescues the life of the needy from the hands of the wicked.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂


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The Great Nougat Challenge


Dear Elsie

Today was the day we went swimming for the first time in a while. It was wonderful and even though the water was cold, it felt so good! We remembered why we got so addicted to going to the beach so often.  We got home and I worked the day. In between I prepared a braai without the fire for dinner tonight. We had John &Avril and David & Anna come for dinner. It has been a stunning day in Cape Town, with very little wind. To add to the pleasure, there has been whale activity along our shore all day long. This evening, there are an abundance of whales. We’ve never seen anything like this….whales in the middle of the surf-skiers while their weekly time trial was on..Red arrow points to the whale…

We spent a lot of time watching them. It was quite a sight as at one stage there were at least 3 or 4 of them.

John and Avril enjoying the perfect evening…

We had dinner and spent more time on the balcony. Even after dark, the whales were heard to be grunting and blowing. It was quite an experience to hear them.

The evening ended with the great nougat challenge. Mike had David introduce it…

And then out came the colour coded nougat.

Mike had bought 4 different types of nougat ranging in price. We had to taste and choose which we thought would be the most expensive. It was such a fun exercise. I chose the wrong one completely!  We need to play that game again.

It’s been a memorable evening. As I wrap this up, I have the bedroom door open and can still hear the whales snorting. I hope they are still around tomorrow.

Weekend and tomorrow Julian arrives. And today is Valerie Gail’s birthday. Happy birthday!

Jeremiah 17:7
Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip

Gran xx 🙂


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Ten Things That Require No Talent


Dear Elsie

This is the day I’m thinking a little bit about life lessons.

Recently, I found myself having a modicum of work success. I was complimented & shown a great deal of gratitude. I love my job, and it  feels pretty good to be appreciated and valued. This is my 3rd career. After nursing and radio, I find myself in recruitment. It’s an area in which I’ve never had any formal training, but now, after 10 years, I’ve got some experience. Today I was looking up something work related on the internet and I encountered a random list of things that require no talent. As I looked at the list, it struck a cord with me. I wondered if this wasn’t the real reason I had found work success. This list was compiled in 2022 by someone called Molly Fletcher from the University of Virginia (whole article is here).

Here’s the list:

Ten Things That Require NO Talent
1. Being on time
2. Having a good work ethic
3. Putting in extra effort
4. Displaying a positive body language
5. Being energetic
6. Having a positive attitude
7. Displaying passion for work and life in general.
8. Being teachable.
9. Going the extra mile.
10. Being prepared

Good advice Molly. Some may take practice, but good behaviours are learned and bad habits take time to shed.

Jeremiah 14:22
Do any of the worthless idols of the nations bring rain? Do the skies themselves send down showers? No, it is you, Lord our God. Therefore our hope is in you, for you are the one who does all this.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

My 11th: Keep the smile going!

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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3-Part Day


Dear Elsie

Today was a 3-Part Day. The first part was waking up in your house and spending some time with you. It also entailed giving you a hug and saying good-bye to you as you trotted into your school.

I filled up with petrol and headed towards home. There were roadworks around the Hermanus turnoff and it was somewhat chaotic as 3 lanes merged to the stop/go point.

It was quite a wait and by the time it was open to us, hundreds of cars snaked up Houw Hoek Pass. I stopped at Peregrine Farmstall and had a conversation with one of the workers about the number of cars at the stop and go. She said they had wondered why the customers were coming in fits and starts. There would be a whole lot of them and then none for a while. Yeah, it’s that stop and go.

I got home in time for a quick bathroom break before meeting 1, followed by meetings 2 & 3. My 5 hours of work was the second part of the day.

The third was taking a walk to Valyland after work to get some shopping and my steps.  3 hours driving, 5 hours working and 1 hour 17 minutes walking.

I’ve sucked the marrow out of today. I’m looking forward to bed.

1 Thessalonians 2:4
We are not trying to please men but God, who tests our hearts

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂


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Quick Road Trip to Swellendam


Dear Elsie

Today was the day I came to see you! It’s your final concert/ graduation from Grade R. Next year it’s Grade 1!! Woohoo. I left home and took a very leisurely drive through to Swellendam. I stopped at the 1-stop on the N2, just after Baden Powell, because it has a Woollies foodshop. I did some work with this view…they have a very nice area behind the shopping area.

Then it was on the road again where I encountered not one, but 2 stop & goes and got caught at both. The first was just before the Hermanus turnoff…

Look at that beautiful day! The other was just before Caledon and was quick so I didn’t get a photo. I got through to Caledon and had coffee at the Fresh stop where I did an excellent amount of work.

Funny story. I was on a video call with a colleague when I suddenly noticed there was a fire in the microwave (seen in the above photo). There were dancing flames. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I interrupted my Teams call and called to the man who was sitting at the table and said ‘there’s something happening in that microwave!’. He leapt up and retrieved his burning food from inside! He dropped it on the floor and stomped out the flames. Then he went and bought more food and with a little more care, warmed it up in the (surprisingly) still working microwave.

I arrived in Swellendam and had an early dinner before heading for the end of year concert which was a treat!  Entrance to the school.


What a lovely, memorable evening. So excited to be here.

1 Thessalonians 1:2
We always thank God for all of you and continually mention you in our prayers.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂


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