The Pond Rises…

After last night’s rain, I had to go down and take another photo of the Sun Valley Pond….it is slowly rising….this was it on Tuesday…

And this is it today…

Considering this was it on the 7th June!

We are so grateful.

Psalm 71:14

But I will hope continually, and will praise You yet more and more.

We hope continually and that leads to praise.

Today I woke quite early and did some work before we went and joined Julian for breakfast. Another couple of hours of work followed. Julian, Riana and I had a bite at lunchtime and this afternoon I did a whole lot more work. We walked half the way to Simon’s Town for dinner. I had fish and it was delicious!

But I think one of the things that struck me today happened when I was walking to the Mall at lunchtime. As I walked down the road, I smiled and as I did, I felt a sensation of joy rise up within me. “This,” I thought, “is what it means to keep the smile going.” Smiling randomly lifts your spirits.

#333 of my 1000 thanks is for the ability to smile. It’s free!

These are the days!

Keep the smile going!!!!!

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

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