Crazy August


Today was the day…

That was quite quiet. We didn’t go to the beach. In hindsight we could have because it didn’t rain. I got up early and did some home admin before Mike and I went down to the cottage and cleaned it ahead of the next guests, who have not yet booked. I just want it ready in case. Then I changed the Airbnb setting to instant so if someone needs accommodation immediately, they can book with us and we are ready. We bought the linen up and with the day brightening, I did the laundry.

We had breakfast with Julian. He has gone back to Johannesburg and was on an early flight so left a little sooner than usual.

I worked the rest of the day, although the portal was super slow. It is ‘crazy August’ where all the teachers we  have found jobs for start the journey from their home countries and try to get to their new destinations. With Covid it’s nothing less than chaotic & expensive. South Africans have to spend 15 days in a green country (at their own expense) so there is this mandatory holiday in a foreign country before they arrive in the country they are going to, where 10 days of hotel quarantine awaits. I have loads of teachers sitting in Zanzibar at the moment. Others went to Botswana, Kenya and Jordan.  There is seldom a day that passes that I am not calming frazzled nerves or talking teachers through delayed document issues.  Crazy August for sure. It will pass.

Mike and I have just come in from a fast walk to the end of Echo and back. I also carried up 3 more pavers, so that got my heart rate up!

The navy frigate that has been sitting in False Bay did a little turn across the sea and has now returned to its starting point…it seems to be doing another loop.

I’m still looking for whales but we are not seeing them!

Job 12:10

In His hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind.

The best is yet to come – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂



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