When Will The Hate End?

This was a question I pondered this morning after we woke up and saw on the news the horrific terror attack in Nice, France.

Bastile Day terror attack

The evil that pervades this world has seemingly escalated recently in frequency and volume. But as I’ve written before none of this is new. Since the fall of Adam there has been violence, starting with Adam’s very own son, Cain killing his brother Abel. There is nothing new under the sun. And for that sad reason, the hate will only end once we have risen to the land that is beyond the sun. An eternal land, where Christ rules as King and there is no violence or hatred; there is no sin or pride. There is only pure love and perfection. I believe in an eternal life in a heavenly realm, the perfection of which is outside my possibility of understanding.

And where is God when all this happens? This morning I read Psalm 11 and because our internet connection was down, I turned to the lofty 2000 page volume of Matthew Henry’s commentary. The opening words of Henry struck a chord with me, “in this psalm we have David’s struggle with and triumph over a strong temptation to distrust God.”

I must not be tempted to distrust God.

Where is He when evil men kill others?

Psalm 11:4-5

“The Lord is in His holy temple; the Lord is on His heavenly throne. He oversees the sons of men; His eyes examine them. The Lord examines the righteous but the wicked and those who love violence His soul hates.”

Don’t ever believe that God is not a God of love because He allowed this to happen. He sees. He knows. He hates the violence.  When things go wrong in our lives – be it illness, the loss of someone close to us, the devastatingly ugly terror incidents that happen across the world, day to day struggles, however big or small, God knows about them. We have to trust Him and live with hand’s palms facing upwards in surrender of all that we have to Him.

Matthew Henry continues, “The shaking of the tree (they say) makes it take the deeper and faster root. The attempt of David’s enemies to discourage his confidence in God engages him to cleave so much the more closely to his first principles.”

Let whatever struggles we face lead us to take a deeper and faster root in Christ. To trust Him with our whole heart and not to lean on our own understanding. (We will never understand while we are here on earth).  To acknowledge Him in all our ways, knowing that in doing so, He will make our paths straight.

Circumstances may not change, but in fully committing and trusting God, He enables us to cope in a way we never thought possible.

These are the days – they are in His hands.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂



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