Visit to the Hugenot Monument


Today we decided to go to Franschoek. While I was there briefly not so long ago, Mike hasn’t been for years. We parked just after we entered the town and walked the length of the Main Rd ending at the Hugenot Monument. It’s in a beautiful setting…

We stopped at the sun-dial which has the surnames of the original French settlers, including my nephew-in-law’s…

We approached the monument from the side…

And walked through the colonnade, taking in the view from behind…Google gave me some enhanced effects with this one…

Round the front- the statue is huge…

And has a picturesque pond in front…

We had to find out what all this means…

It was a lovely morning. We got home in time for lunch and this afternoon I fell fast asleep. After tea, we drove to Fish Hoek beach and walked from their to Echo.

Home again and a fresh new week lies ahead.

1 Corinthians 1:26-28

Few of you were wise in the world’s eyes or powerful or wealthy when God called you…God chose things despised by the world, and used them to bring to nothing what the world considers important. 

Quite a thought-provoking verse.

These are the days.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂


No gym, but I did walk about 10000 steps.


1 year and 4 days

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