What A Busy Monday


Today was busy. I got to work at just before 8am and worked through to just before 11am. Haircut and gym and then home to get some more work done. Riana came at 2pm for tea. At 4pm Werner came and we had a long meeting talking about the next  stage of the build. He specially wanted to point out to us that all the expenses relating to the current basement building were not in the original budget because they were not on the original plans. Ouch!

We had a long chat with Julian and have a plan going forward. Building costs always have a way of spiraling in the wrong direction. To be wise, we will not do the finishes on the bottom two floors, but get to the top two floors as quickly as possible and do the finishes starting from our floor, then Julian’s, then the rental and then the basement.

Mike and I went down to the site to see what happened today. They are preparing to build the retaining wall.

It’s taking shape. The basement will be walled off and secured so we can use it for storage while the upper floors are being built. Hopefully, by the Christmas break, the next floor will be in place and available for us to walk on. Who knows what that will look like!

It’s an amazing opportunity.

1 Corinthians 7:17

Let each person lead the life that the Lord has assigned to him, and to which God has called him. 

Assigned and called. Live that life.

These are the days.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂


  • 5km pretty slowly – 38:20
  • Did the super circuit, including 12 minutes on the stepping machine.


1 year and 5 days

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