van Niekerk Train Station


It felt like a train station at our house this morning. By 1-30pm, 5 people had stopped by. Not that I mind. It just felt a whole lot busier than usual.

Mike had an important meeting with the engineer who answered a lot of his questions.  Werner the builder came by a little later to talk about changes and the budget. Yesterday evening while we were at the site, something suddenly dawned on me. I’m not going to say what because we haven’t yet told Julian and he’s coming tomorrow, so we’ll tell him then. When we were discussing the basement with Werner and I told him what  I had thought of, he laughed at yet another change….we who will change nothing! He said it was do-able and we had thought of it just in time. So Mike and I were back at the site today, adding some additional conduiting to accommodate the change.

Tomorrow, they will mix cement and fill the box. It’s the foundation for the retaining wall which they start to build on Monday. That’s the plan anyway…

Here’s a fun sketch up -it’s sort of what the house will look like…with a few changes!

You see the white strip at the bottom? That’s where we are at right now!

We have a very. long. way. to. go!

It’s going to seem impossible until it’s done.

I phoned Abdul and our granite has arrived so we’ve made an appointment to see him tomorrow on the way to the airport.

It’s been a good building day but not so good a day for work. I only did a couple of hours.

Ephesians 4:4-6

There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all and in you all.

And that is our desire – that God will be above all and through all and in all of our build. We never dreamed to do this. We never planned it in years gone by. We never sought it and so we feel in awe that we get to do it. Mike plans on working long in to tonight to get the final plans tweaked and the window plan done so that Werner can order what is required.

These are the days.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂


  • 5km – but because my heart rate is going up too high, today, I walked most of it and ran some of it instead of the other way round. It made it very slow – 45:27.
  • Super circuit
  • And I tried this…it’s  the  monkey  bars! Using the little bars on the left and right, I climbed up and grabbed the first bar. How many of the bars do you think I could get across? Answer below…


I hung on the first one. For how long?

Ten seconds! Yip! I’ll have to get stronger so I can hang for longer!


1 year and 7 days

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