Traffic Fine !


The other day I took the mail out the box and immediately noticed that dreadful envelop that comes from the Traffic Fine Department. I started saying ‘Oh no! I’ve got a fine. Oh no! I wonder where it was taken. I wonder how much it is!’ I turned the envelop over… when you see this….

….you know what’s inside! My heart sank!

I gingerly opened it to see what the damage was and where I had been trapped, only to find this…

It WASN’T a traffic fine after all, rather it was my car licence fee! YaY! Why they put the demerit message on it, I don’t know…they are just giving everyone a minor heart attack every time it arrives. I did go to their website and found the whole demerit system is not yet active.

Today was a good day! After the show, I did music prep and sent a few emails. After that it was off to Joyce Meyer Ministries in Westlake to collect books for prizes for Winning Wednesday over the next 6 weeks, starting with one tomorrow. I then joined Riana for soup! Yum. When I got home I spent 37 minutes on the phone to a call centre.

Then I made Granny tea…doesn’t she look just so good in blue…

Mike is at a meeting this evening, so I’m doing a really light dinner of soup and toasted sandwiches.

I’ve got a little book called “God’s Little Instruction Book.” In it there is this quote: “The secret of success is to start from scratch and keep on scratching!”

Luke 8:15 says But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop.

Mother Teresa once said: ““God hasn’t called me to be successful. He’s called me to be faithful.”

Keep on Keeping on!

God bless you loads!

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

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