Egg On My Face…


I’m sitting in my kitchen nursing a cup of hot tea! I’m dressed with a jersey and scarf and still smarting over the coldness of the weather. This morning I enthusiastically claimed ON AIR it was to be a hot, cloudy day with berg winds and a high of 30C. Here’s why…

Please notice the time – Cape Town Region at 3pm!! Well, if it is higher than 20C, I’ll be surprised…at least in the Deep South. Perhaps it is warmer in the Cape Town City Centre, but absolutely NOT where I live. Getting the weather wrong on air is one of the most annoying things EVER! I came out the studio and put my hand out the window to feel the warm berg wind and it was icy! :0 Gasp! I wanted to run back into the studio and say ‘the weather people have got it all wrong…take a jersey!’ I love the cold weather…I just want to be prepared for it! It’s quite pleasant sitting in the kitchen blogging. Nice change. The kitchen is warm because I’ve had the stove on cooking lasagne. This is the view from the kitchen bay window…

And this is me sitting in the bay window with the view behind the closed curtains…I’ve closed them to get the glare off my computer screen….oh dear, there I go, explaining again!…

As far as the events of the day went, after the show, I did music prep for Friday. I had to phone Wayne about something and he got onto telling me about his new lighting for his studio. I said I must come see it sometime and I also wanted to record ‘Who God is.” So he said, ‘come today!’ So at 11am, I went to his studio and checked it all out…it’s looking fabulous and he videoed me. I’m not sure if you can open this link, but here it is none the less…

You have to be on Facebook to view it.

Changing the subject, I’ve been thinking about thinking is! Our thoughts dictate so much our our lives. Joyce Meyer says negative thoughts make for a negative life. I agree. Words are actual physical things. So are thoughts. They have structure. As we should control our speech, we should control our thoughts. The Bible says many things about our thoughts. These are two verses that pertain to controlling how we think:

Romans 12:2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

2 Corinthians 10:5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

Time to change your mind!

God bless you!

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

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