Today is the Day!


It’s difficult for me to forget what day is. It’s my ‘born again day!’ 17th July! The day comes around every year but today is different because it is 40 years since I became a Christian. Before that, I was a young insecure 14-year-old with very little stability in my life and a shattered foundation. I am sure I believed in God. He was up there somewhere but was completely removed from my life, except on Sundays when I was dragged reluctantly to church.

On 17th July 1979 all that changed – it became personal. No longer was God a far away heavenly being. He swept unexpectedly and gigantically into my life. When I prayed to ask Jesus to ‘take over my life’ He did in ways that far exceeded my expectations. I didn’t really feel anything spectacular that night – there were no tears or fire works or great eruptions of joy. There was relief that I had done the right thing and there was peace in my heart.

Unbeknownst to me, it was to be the start of an epic journey in faith on a spiritual level that I never knew was possible.

40 ways that knowing God has impacted my life.

  1. Peace when there often is no peace. How that works I have no idea, but there have been times when I have been shattered (like when my older brother died) and somehow, I had peace.
  2. Joy amidst sadness. When hard things happen, I have still felt the strength of the Holy Spirit carrying me through difficulties on the wings of love and joy.
  3. Strength – God has given me an inner strength when I thought there was no more to be had.
  4. Solid foundation when thinks feel shaky. Knowing who is in control brings about a stability that is not humanly possible.
  5. Bringing the right husband. God knows my needs. He certainly knew who I should marry and nothing I did in my human capacity was going to change that. God had a plan for Mike and I and I am so glad He did.
  6. Provision – God has provided physically and financially throughout our lives. We have been blessed.
  7. Protection – this is not only physical protection, but also He has protected me from sin – He has stopped it from running away with me.
  8. Guidance – God has opened doors and led the way. He has sometimes shown me specifically and other times guided me gradually. He has been a light to my path and  lamp to my feet.
  9. Teacher – God has been the ultimate Teacher in my life. I’ve stumbled and tripped and blurted and blamed and God has spoken to me through others and through His Word. He has taught me to be a better person and I’m still learning.
  10.  Humbled me. I’m constantly aware of my pride and how there must be less of me and more of others.
  11. Ability – God has given me the ability to do stuff I never thought I would do in my entire life.
  12. Gratitude – God is the source of everything – I am filled with gratitude.
  13. Fulfillment – it is amazing that as the stages and seasons of life pass, God fulfills my needs regardless of my age.
  14. Pleasure – Knowing God has bought me great pleasure.
  15. Contentment – there are always going to be compromises in life. Through the Lord, I’ve learned contentment.
  16. Patience – yep….my relationship with God has taught me patience with others and patience with myself.
  17. Answers – God has answered my prayers in innumerable ways.  He is faithful!
  18. Jobs – The Lord knew I have a need to be needed and to find a reason to get up in the morning. He has provided work that has suited me so well.
  19. Relationships – friends He has sent along the way are treasures from Him.
  20. Sense of humour – God has a great sense of humour and He has passed it onto us His children.
  21. Truffles – I prayed for Truffles to come back to us and she arrived. So many times, I’ve thanked the Lord for her return and we have laughed at her antics. God gives us animals as gifts.
  22. Perspective – as life has passed I’ve learned through my relationship with God that He sees the future and has a greater perspective than I. It is so comforting.
  23. In a similar vein, I’ve learned about the bigger Picture – I have learned through knowing Jesus that it is not about now – eternal life awaits.
  24. Faith – He has built my faith – I have seen Him in action in my life and others and my faith has grown.
  25. Hand in hand with faith, I have belief. I believed the truth of the Gospel. I believe in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour. That belief comes from God.
  26. Assurance. I know that one day when I die, I’ll go to heaven. That’s for sure.
  27. Hope – absolutely! The best is yet to come. Constant hope for the future runs through my days.
  28. Testimony. God has done so much for me – He has given me many stories to tell of His faithfulness.
  29. Perseverance – the Holy Spirit has filled me and driven me in different circumstances. I find myself compelled to do things which can only come from Him.
  30. Discipline – this is a strange asset to attribute to knowing God, but He has given me the ability to discipline myself to read through the Bible year after year and to reap the amazing benefits.
  31. Honesty and Integrity. In my walk with the Lord, I’ve become increasingly aware that He sees my heart and I am fully accountable to Him first.
  32. Optimism. With my hand in His, the future looks positive.
  33. Acceptance – as a young person I did not feel accepted. By living in the sunshine of God’s love, His acceptance makes me glow.
  34. Righteousness – His sacrifice to take away my sin, makes me righteous through His death on the cross.
  35. Guilt free! He took away my shame.
  36. Freedom – He allows me to walk in freedom not trapped by the lies and fear of the world.
  37. My children – God has impacted my life through my children. Through having them and raising them, I’ve had to be more dependent on God than ever before.
  38. Friendship – He is my Friend and constant Companion. He never leaves me.
  39. Love – He loves me! He loves me! I am so blessed to be on the receiving end of God’s enormous love.
  40. I am in His Grip. By knowing God, I know I am captured by Him. He will never let me go.

Forty amazing years. I am so very grateful.

To God be the glory.

Joshua 1:9

Be strong and courageous. Do  not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

These are the days.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂


I went to gym. 33 minutes on the treadmill, walking. 21 minutes doing the circuit and 11  minutes on the stepping machine. Then about 10 more minutes doing other weights.


Day 246

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