Three Tips to Having a Good Day!


The days just flow together. Next thing you know, it’s the end of another week and we all sigh a huge sigh of relief and gladness as we put down our work tools and take up some rest time over the weekend! But it just seems such a waste to only enjoy TWO days of the week, instead of all 7.  How can we enjoy EVERY day? It’s a question I’ve thought about regularly and I’ve come up with three tips that may just make each day good.

1. Be Prepared. I go to bed the night before having made my breakfast and planned my wardrobe. This means that when I get up in the morning, I don’t have any rushing around trying to decide what to wear. It makes for a far better start.

2. Begin every day positively. For me this means connecting with the Creator of the Universe. I spend an hour praying, reading the Bible and jotting down a few thoughts. It reminds me what is important and keeps my moral compass heading in the right direction! I also commit the day to the Lord – remembering any challenges I face, He knows about already. It is very reassuring.

3. Plan to do something different each day. Your life may consist of the same old routine, same old journey to work, same old mundane job. It is up to you to make it different. For example, on Monday, take a different route to work. If you catch a bus, get off one bus stop earlier and walk the remainder of the way. If you catch a train, take a different route to the station. On Tuesday, take a walk out the office at lunchtime, or take a special lunch. On Wednesday, plan to help someone. Pack an extra R5 and look for someone in need to give it to. Or buy 2 donuts, one to eat and one to give away. Or phone someone who you know is lonely and find out how they are. Make Wednesday the day you look outside of yourself and your needs to helping someone else. Thursday, you’re already beginning to feel happier because Friday is almost here! Make a choice to focus on being thankful for all you have. Let Thursdays be the day you jot down all the good things in your life, reminding yourself of all the blessings. And voila! Friday has arrived! Although you may want to do this all week long, if you are really busy and life is a blur, make Friday the day to stop and smell the roses. Slow down and then stop for a few minutes to watch and see what is going on around you. Look into the faces of strangers. See their expressions. Smile at them. Look up at the sky. Admire its colour. Look at the shape of the clouds. Marvel at the colour of trees and grass and leaves and birds. Just notice what is going on around you. You will soon be living the understanding that there is more to this life than just you. Feel free to change the special thing you do each day from time to time. Vary it. Think up new ideas. Spoil the people around you. Compliment strangers. Have coffee with friends. Write a poem. Draw a picture. Take a load of photos. Live life intentionally.

I think most of all, to live happily ever after, we have to stop waiting! We spend our lives waiting to grow up, waiting to leave school, waiting to finish studying, waiting to get married, to start working, to start a family. We are waiting for the children to grow up. We are waiting for them to go to school, for them to leave school, for them to move out!  We are waiting for the weekends, for the holidays, for retirement! Whatever your station in life, stop waiting. Enjoy TODAY! You can make it happen!

So? What did I do today to enjoy life? I got 1. & 2. wrapped up and for number 3, I went to see Granny. I took her her favourite fruit (grapefruit) which she ate in the garden…

Granny in the Rose GardenThen! I met with two wonderful friends, Jacqui and Lindsay and we had lunch together…

Lindsay and JacquiAnd before I drove away, I stopped to smell the amazing Ladies Christian Home roses…just look at this…

Roses at the LCHStunning!

Jesus: “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. “ (John 10:10)

God bless you loads!

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

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