The Echo Basement


The bottom floor of the new build is referred to as the basement. Initially, it was going to be an empty space that would usefully contain water tanks and that kind of thing. The pillars would be around it. Then we heard that the Council no longer allows a ‘void’ so we had to fill it in. A whole lot more excavating was required. Far more than Mike ever wanted and certainly never intended. All that ground had to be shovelled down the chute and taken to the dump. The levels were sorted and yesterday, suddenly our basement began to take shape…the basement from above.

Julian and I standing in the corner…

Another side view…

Mike and Julian scrambling down from the top. It’s quite perilous! Got to be careful.

Today I paid for the concrete which will be thrown onto top. They still have to put down the rib and block. By this time next week, it should be more of a slab. The basement only that is…we have a l-o-n-g way to go. There will be 3 floors on top of the basement.

It is amazing that we are indeed building a house on a mountainside. It has been a pipe dream, but now, rock by rock, bit by bit, we are working on getting it up.

I got some work done today, had breakfast with Julian and Mike, then went to Bible study. This afternoon I had some time off. Mike and Julian have gone to the building site and will be walking back to our house and then we are going out for dinner.


Deuteronomy 14:2

You have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God, and He has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be His own special treasure.

These are the days.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂


Yesterday when I looked up my work out on my cell phone app, I was horrified at how much I had overdone it on the run. Usually I keep an eye on my heart rate as I run and then walk when it gets too high. Yesterday I didn’t walk and so my heart rate was high for way too long. It said my average heart rate was 165 and the maximum 180 and I was ‘extreme’ for 19 minutes. Last night my heart felt decidedly tired and  today I need to recover.


Day 360


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