The Day That Was

The penultimate date of February 2018. The hottest month of the year in Cape Town is almost over. The cooler months are ahead and bring with them the expectation and hope of  cold winter months with plenty of rain.

As I write there is a party going on in the cottage. Stuart has had  his Tuesday evening Bible study and it is now over. I think this is partly a farewell to Catherine, Stuart’s girlfriend who is leaving for overseas soon.  Lots of laughter, conversation and music. (Now they are singing happy birthday! Not sure who that is for).

I’ll talk about the events of the day in reverse order. Earlier this evening we went to the Sun Valley Neighbourhood Watch meeting. There have been 8 incidents in Sun Valley over the last three weeks, including 2 thefts out of vehicles and a gate motor that was stolen.  The other five were break-ins. One of the NHW patrollers, Malcolm was mugged in an isolated bushy area. He was unexpectedly rushed at, pushed to the ground and stabbed. He said his biggest mistake was taking a phone call so that the perpetrator could see he had a phone and was distracted. His lung was punctured. Fortunately, he was able to get up and stumble to the road. He was picked up and rushed to hospital. Life can change in a micro-second. We need to enjoy every moment.

One of the few Vlogs I follow on You Tube is the life of Phil & Alex. They have an amazing story of infertility, adoption and now IVF. There have been high highs and very low lows. You can follow them here.  Right now they have just had a third attempt at IVF and the first blood test following an implant showed that after 6 years of infertility, they are pregnant. This is the video…

They had a second pregnancy test but their blood numbers only went up fractionally, so right now they are having a third set done. Pray for them – that the Lord will cause their little one to grow.

#581 of my 1000 thanks is that today Stacey is 29 weeks pregnant. It’s getting closer and we are excited and grateful. Next week, God willing we hope to go and visit.

Psalm 27:11

Teach me Your way O Lord, and lead me on a level path.

There are no surprises with the Lord. He goes before you to lead you on a level path. He is all over tomorrow.

Talking of which tomorrow is Mike’s birthday. Off to golf we go!

These are the days.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂


  • Walk 25 minutes
  • Grid fit 30 minutes
  • Cycle 5 minutes
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