The Amazing Avocado Pear


My blog seems to be morphing  into a Low Carb  information centre.  What has struck me lately is the need people have for information.  Everyone has to eat! Many people eat too much. Daily, I hear from people who have made the transition to a Low Carb – Less Sugar lifestyle. Some are upping their good fat consumption – others are still too nervous to do that, but are certainly ditching the carbs & eating more protein.

If you are going to start refocussing what you eat and cut out bread, cereal, pasta, rice and other carbs, something has to take their place.  Apart from eggs for breakfast, enter the awesome, abundant, accessible avocado! green-south-african-avocado-pear-aka-avo-967768-m

Generally known to be a good food to eat, after you read this, you’ll  never want to be without an avo in the cupboard (while they’re ripening) or in the fridge (once they’re soft).

They will fill you up, give you sustaining energy and they are amazing inflammation-blusters.

A medium avocado pear has 3g carbs, 9g fibre and about 225 calories.

Avocados contain powerful antioxidants – CAROTENOIDS! Learn this word and look out for it! Carotenoids are usually found in brightly coloured fruit and veg such as carrots and berries. They assist in strengthening your immune system and help in the prevention of heart disease and cancer.  The carotenoids found in  avocado pears helps soothe any inflammation in the body, including arthritis. The carotenoid rich part of the avo is just beneath the skin, so bear that in mind when peeling it.

Fat – 100g of avo contains about 15g of fat, but it’s the good stuff. It’s monounsaturated fat which is known to be good for your heart health. It also is believed to assist in regulating your blood sugar level and insulin levels. So, if you have type 2 diabetes, you want an avo as part of your diet.

So when you think about it, the contents of avocado help protect your heart, regulate blood sugar levels,  build your immune system, fight against cancer and fill you up when you’re hungry. They taste good and are not expensive! So feel free to toss them in salad, eat them as they are or they are or go make guacamole – you’ve got nothing to lose!GuacamoleRegularly in life there is the ‘all or none’ idea. Go BIG or go home! Either do it properly or don’t do it at all. Today I encountered that very principle in Isaiah 7:9b “If you do not stand firm in your faith, you will not stand at all.” The Amplified Version expands on this “If you will not believe and trust in and rely on God (and on the words of God’s prophet and not Assyria), surely you will not be established nor will you remain.” Who are we trusting today? It is easy to hear what the world is saying – it’s coming at us from all directions. But the real message we should be looking for and adhering to is from God. In all we do, let the Word of God be our first port of call (even with what we eat!). Stand firm in your faith. If you don’t you won’t stand at all. It will be worth it! God is standing firmly behind YOU. He’s got your back. He won’t let you down. Keep trusting Him. Everything will be okay!

God bless you!

In His Grip!

Helga  xx 🙂

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