Something for Nothing


Dear Elsie

Today we got something valuable for nothing. It’s not often this happens but today it did. There was a guy on the Mountainside Chat Whatsapp group that posted this at 12:46pm

At 12:57pm, I asked if it was still available and it was, so Mike and I went off to take a look. Mike loved it immediately. It’s solid teak & the owner was giving it away.  I phoned Tony’s Transport (he’s in central Fish Hoek). He answered and was just chilling at home. He came immediately and for R200, he transported it to our house where it was delivered into the garage.

It’s old to be sure, but it will be perfect for our purpose. It will fit perfectly in front of the tanks outside Mike’s office. It’s wonderful to reuse something as old as this.

It will form the side panel of his courtyard. It’s the exact width of the space between the side of the house and the stairs going down to the tank.  Mike was beyond thrilled. The guy who gave it away was happy it left his garage and went to a deserving home (and not just grabbed to sell on), and Tony was happy to get R200 for a very quick short job. So it was win win win all the way round.

I’ve had tummy troubles this week but finally this afternoon I think they are beginning to pass.

Tonight we are having trout and salad and it’s going to be early so I’m off to get it done.

It’s been a quiet and restful weekend and quite a treat after the last couple of working weeks.

Psalm 77:14
You are the God who performs miracles; You display Your power among the peoples.

The best is yet to come – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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