Something Dodgy On The Ceiling…


This is a bit of a crazy day. I’ve had loads of work to do and then in the middle of it all, I had a call from a potential tenant for Adrian and Stacey’s flat. I dropped what I was doing & zipped off to show her, only to find there was something dodgy going on on the ceiling. It looks suspiciously like damp. I can’t rent it with damp! Now I have to get the maintenance people to look at it. Anyway, that is tomorrow’s problem. A&S have done a fabulous job in leaving it sparkling clean!! 🙂 Two more sleeps and they are on their way to Asia!

On the way home, I stopped by the shop to buy a cake for the (wonderful) staff at Nerina Gardens.

Now I’m off to collect Granny to take her to the surgeon to find out her skin cancer results and have her stitches out. Mike has offered to make spaghetti bolognaise for dinner, so I don’t have to worry about that! When I get home, I’ll finish this blog and then get back into the routine of putting Granny to bed! 🙂

God has answered one major prayer I asked this morning. Yvonne, who took care of Granny last time, has been made available from Living Hope to fill in for Mavis while she is away. Sandy Lovick at LH is a ‘do-er’. She makes things happen & this was one of them. When she phoned to tell me, I nearly cried I was so happy. One major issue off my plate! This morning in my quiet time, I actually prayed Philippians 4:6 remembering to say thank-you.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

Thank you, Jesus.

A very sad piece of news came through last night. My sister’s husband passed away. He has had a long struggle with cancer and took a bad turn over the weekend. Anne is surrounded by family and friends and understands my situation with Granny here in Cape Town, so I won’t be going up to Johannesburg to the funeral. I will remember Derek for being as large as life. He had a big voice and laughed loud and long! He taught Mike to carve a chicken, something we always remember him by. He loved Anne endlessly, defended her fervently and boasted about her to me almost every time we spoke. He called me by my childhood nickname – Boo! He was the only one that did. A part of our family has gone. He will be missed.

So now I’m home! The cake went down well at Nerina Gardens. Granny was waiting and we zooted off to the Doc, where he snipped out her stitches…

The lesion was indeed malignant but it’s all gone! Granny is still looking a bit bruised and lopsided but the surgeon assured me it will all rectify itself in time…

Mike is downstairs and amazingly good aromas are drifting up to me. Granny is settling back in.

The evening time begins!

God bless you!

In His Grip,

Helga x 🙂

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