Sleeping at the Orthodontist

Today I logged onto my fitness app which connects to my fitness colour band.  Once of the things it monitors is sleep and it keeps a record. I am blessed with good sleep. As I checked out my sleeping for the last couple of nights, I wondered if it recorded back on 13th November when I had the braces put on. I paged back and sure enough, there was a little ‘sleep line’ during my appointment. I dozed while the orthodontist was putting on the braces. How crazy is that? It recorded light sleep for a full 40 minutes between 8-55 and 9-35! I don’t think I snoozed for that long…I probably was still enough and my heart rate and breathing low enough for it to think I was sleeping. You can also see that I was awake the night before a couple of times and I had a nap at 8pm so I could be awake for some tennis I wanted to watch. Interesting information, although I’m not sure how accurate it is.

On the way back from Swellendam I was thinking of a few observations of my braces.

  1. Both Stacey and David needed orthodontic work. David inherited my pattern ie we both have a tooth missing next to our right front tooth. He needed an implant and still has it. I will too. Stacey also needed orthodontics. Both their teeth now look great. I always knew something had to be done with mine, although, in my case, it’s pretty much braces now or dentures later.
  2. Even though this is going to be a long, long journey, I get a great deal of satisfaction knowing I’m doing something about them
  3. I am spending a lot of time cleaning my teeth. Flossing takes half the night!
  4. Patience and perseverance is required.
  5.  #956 of my 1000 thanks – it’s Day 5 and mouth is no longer sore.  🙂

Psalm 139:5-6

You go before me and follow me. You place Your hand of blessing on my head. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too great for me to understand.


These are the days!

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂


  • 1 hour on the bike
  • 35 minutes on the treadmill.


Day 5.

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