Saturday’s To-Do List


I had a number of things to do today and I ended up doing all of two of them and some  of the rest of them.

  1. Do my 2nd provisional tax.
  2. Clean my house.
  3. Do some work.
  4. Go to gym.
  5. Go shopping at hardware stores with Mike.

I started with the tax and did  a chunk of it before breakfast. Breakfast was my reward. I got it under control and now it just needs about another hour’s attention and it should be ready for me to ask Stacey to cast her eye over it.

Cleaning the house! I did a little of this. 🙄

Do some work. I did even less work. A tiny amount.

Go to gym. I did all of this.

Go shopping with Mike. We did this right after breakfast and came home after 1pm. While out, I bought a stiff bristle broom and with that in hand I did some cleaning. I have a carpet in our bedroom which is really hard to keep clean. This broom is perfect for the job, so that was the tiny bit of housework that got done.

We are loadshedding in our area this evening. How our solar has revolutionised our lives. Nothing changes. Mike watches TV. I am doing the blog. The lights go out outside and the kettle is the only appliance that doesn’t work. Otherwise we wouldn’t know.

Yesterday I was going through some of our Egypt photos and just loved remembering back to the Red Sea! It was so fun to swim in this pristine water…I may have put up a few photos at the time. I downloaded the whole lot…

Such a good memory and you can see I had the sea to myself. It was beautiful.

I was thinking of some of my favourite travel memories and how it took a lot of time and effort to get to those places. So much planning, arranging, paying and travelling, but once you’ve done it, it’s totally worth it.

Proverbs 13:12

Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a dream fulfilled is a tree of life.

These are the days.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂


Ran 8 treadmill kilometres (my watch said less) in just under 64 minutes.


1 year and 87 days.

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