Reflections of 25 Years Ago


Today was the day…

We had day two of the medium altitude cyclonic conditions. It rained and rained and rained.

The deluge of rain we have had me reflecting on something that happened in about 25 years ago. In fact I think it was probably longer. Julian had visited from Johannesburg we were taking him back to the airport. It started to rain and it poured down so much so that we had a river running through our garage. But he had a flight to catch so there was no time to attend to that. We all piled into the car and I remember turning into Ou Kaapse Weg and the just about the entire north-bound side of the road was flooded. There was extensive flooding on Edinburgh Drive. When we got to the airport, Julian jumped out and said his good byes. It was at that moment that David announced he needed the toilet. Mike took him into the airport (It was the old DF Malan). When they got to the Gents, there was water pouring in through the ceiling. That’s how much rain there had been.  And over these last 36 hours, it’s been the same volume. Waves of heavy downpours have swept across us dumping heavy rain and hail. Behind us is the new road and a river had been forged beneath our wall down our embankment and onto our kitchen patio. Mike told the Road people – they came and investigated and tomorrow a team will arrive to do the mop up.  More rain is forecast for tonight but tomorrow we should start drying out.  Just for the record, today it was 12C inside our house and 7C outside.

Not as cold as Swellendam…where there is snow on the mountains (Photo from Stacey)…

Talking of Stacey, today is Adrian’s birthday! Happy birthday Adrian!✨

Today I worked 5 hours.

Mike went to Echo and put together the cabinet on wheels…

It was a good day.

Corona Stats – June

  • Friday 5th June – 2642 new cases -60 deaths (23088 recovered/19438 active)
  • Saturday 6th June -2539 new cases – 44 deaths (24258 recovered/20763 active)
  • Sunday 7th June – 2312 new cases – 46 deaths (24365 recovered/22923 active)
  • Monday 8th June – 2594 new cases – 82 deaths (26099 recovered/ 23700 active)
  • Tuesday 9th June – 2112 new cases – 82 deaths (29006 recovered/22823 active)
  • Wednesday 10th June – 2430 new cases – 48 deaths (31505 recovered/22706 active)

Total cases: 55421. Total deaths: 1210

1 John 1:7

If we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another

The best is yet to come.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂


1 year and 211 days.

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