Red Bull Response…


According to Red Bull the offensive advert has been canned. This is great news. They also sent out a generic message “copy & pasted” to all who complained. It was a weak response, saying Red Bull adverts have always been made with a “twinkle in the eye.” I’m sorry, but I don’t buy that. Blaspheming the Name of Christ is not a “twinkle in the eye.” It  comes back to what the MDs of RB would do if they had their closest, most beloved family member publicly humiliated. What would they do? They would be outraged. They wouldn’t just laugh it off when the company responsible said ‘agh, don’t worry, it’s just done with a “twinkle in the eye!” They probably would take the offending company to court for defamation. There have been people who have suggest we stop making such a fuss. God doesn’t need us to fight for Him.

Matthew 10:32 Jesus speaking “Everyone who acknowledges me publicly here on earth, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven.

We can’t just stand back and let the Name of Christ be blasphemed. Yes, God will take care of Red Bull but saying nothing is like endorsing the advert.

Finally, I agree with the Catholic Council that issued a statement yesterday including this:- “People are more than consumers and faith-based symbols are more than marketing opportunities.”
I think that says it very well. To add your comment to Red Bull you can email

Matthew 12:36 (Jesus speaking) But I tell you that men will have to give account on the day of judgment for every careless word they have spoken.

This world is not all there is. One day it will end and we will have to give an account. Live your life in light of eternity.

I stayed at CCFm today until 1pm! A brief shop-stop on the way home and dinner is chicken pie! Salad and peas will accompany it. With my blog and dinner just about wrapped up, I think I can have a snooze. Last night we got home from the training later than planned, so I only had 6 hours sleep last night. If I get a nap in, I may be able to go with Mike this evening as well. 🙂

Today, Braam Malherbe, from 50-50 was at  CCFm. He came to be interviewed by Lynn. He’s run along the Great Wall of China and is just back from WALKING to the South Pole. Hard core. Here he is with Hanniki on the CCFm balcony…

All downhill to the weekend!

Have a great evening!

God bless ya!

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

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