One of the Perfect Days


Dear Elsie,

Today was one of the perfect days in Cape Town. The sea was very calm and crystal clear. There was not too much wind, making it a spectacular summer’s day. We got to swim and I went for a walk later in the day. Two other things happened. Wayne came. We haven’t seen Wayne for a while and I asked him to cut a few things on his laser cutter. He came to drop them off. He’s never been here before so was excited to see the view.

The last couple of days there have been helicopters flying very low. Yesterday, one flew almost at the level of our house and dipped down over Fish Hoek beach before flying along the coast. It looked like a Sanparks chopper. Today there was another helicopter which flew for a bit, then hovered, then flew on. It gave me the opportunity to take a photo.

It doesn’t surprise me there were a number of private aircraft taking tourists on flips over the Peninsula. It’s just not common for them to come so low.

Another thing we saw late this afternoon were the trek fisherman out in the bay. We usually see them when we are down at the beach. It’s not often we see them plying their trade after 5pm. But there they were with their long fishing net in tow…

Hope they were successful. More of the day…

We know we have to enjoy these days because windlessness is not a frequent friend in Cape Town.

David has had two weeks upstairs. He has not been out for weeks. Julian arrives Tuesday so he will move back down to the Little Lookout where he has easier access to the street and may even go for a drive. He is determined not to overdo it. Going out will only be once every 10 days or so & then very slow. The days of going to church and slow walks ended abruptly in early October when he had a massive relapse from which he has not yet fully recovered. This is a slow business.

One day at a time.

Isaiah 46:10
I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say, ‘My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.’

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx

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