New Family Members


Dear Elsie

Today was an exciting day for us because an overnight secret arrived! Yesterday morning when I woke up there was a Whatsapp message on the neighbourhood watch group about a couple of cats that were in dire need for a home. Their owner who had raised them from kittens was no longer able to have them as he had to move in with his parents to help care for his very sick father. The parents have dogs and the dogs were hounding the cats who were petrified. I saw the two of them and they appeared so well looked after and I just felt they would be a good fit. I tracked down their owner and gave him a call. We arranged today at 11am for us to adopt them.

We told Stacey and David but we didn’t say a word to Julian. Today we went across to Bergvliet and picked them up. The owner had given them a bath, so they were furious with him and they were still damp! Meet Claw’d and Raiku.

Claw’d is the one with the blue eyes. When we arrived home, who was there to meet us but Basil, the next door cat!

They had a little hiss at each other and then we whisked them away.

Right now they are very timid. We have not heard a peep out of them and they spent most of the day under the bed. They slowly came out and explored but as soon as they heard a sound, they dashed back under the bed.

It will take time for them to settle and when they do they will love exploring our little neck of the woods.

So just before 2pm, David came up and we called Julian down. He didn’t know what to expect. Imagine his surprise when I convinced him to get down on his stomach and look under the bed. There was not one kitty but two! We have all been waiting  hopefully for them to come out and socialise but it’s too early for this.

We have just gone in from our walk and when I looked under the bed, the cats were gone! What?! We couldn’t find them, until eventually Mike thought they may be under the rocking chair. There were two little noses peaking out. Under the rocking chair is not the place for them, so I put my  hand under and stroked them until they scuttled out. Then Raiku climbed into his cushion and settled down. He let me go across to him and stroke him, so he’s settling in. Claw’d retreated back to the rocking chair.

Here they are relaxing on their owner’s couch.

As they settle, they will soon return to this chilled life.

A special day!

A good work day. I worked for more than 7 hours and had a hat-trick of placements!

Psalm 130:5
I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits, and in His word I put my hope.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx


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