My Statin Plan


Today was the day…

…that dawned overcast and drizzly. It soon cleared and as it was cloudy, but pretty windless, Mike went for a long run – 11km in the end.  I rested in the morning and at lunchtime went for a walk to Fish Hoek, picked up, to be precise, 2l milk, a paw paw and 2 Woolworths chickens. I came back via Daisy Lane which is coming to life…

Home again, Mike carved the birds, froze one and we ate half the other.

The other night I was lying awake in the middle of the night. I checked my cell phone and one of the websites I open from time to time (Eat this, not that) had posted a story on some of the potential warning signs of clogged arteries. I’ve never really been concerned about having a heart attack, but as I approach my late 50s & know I have high cholesterol,  it’s time to take the possibility more seriously. As my family history is laden with heart disease, it’s not a forgone conclusion that despite not smoking, trying to keep my weight in check and exercising regularly,  I won’t be affected.  I opened the story. They mentioned  4 signs:

  1. Heart burn, 2. Chest pain, 3. Undue fatigue/ breathlessness, 4. High blood pressure

Working backwards, we have a blood pressure machine, so I know my BP is fine. I have a truckload of energy. I have experienced some heart sensation but never something that causes me to be out of breath or distressed. It’s almost like a stress pain. I remember when Julian had his stent put in. I had chest pain for a week.

It was the heart burn that worried me. I have been waking up several hours into the night and slugging back Gaviscon. Ah man! Now I had something to worry about. I also was getting headaches. Could my arteries be blocked? I was on the point of getting stressed over it (middle of the night anxiety is the worst).

Then last night, again awake in the small hours of the night, I googled this…

Oh joy! Headache, indigestion, sleep problems.  So, after taking 10mg for a month, I’ve jumped into full action and cut the whole lot in half.

They don’t have a line down the middle, so it’s ‘roughly’ in half, but ultimately I’ll be taking 5mg a day. At least now I know these little blighters are causing my distress,  I don’t feel like I’m having a heart attack.

The afternoon was restful and now the weekend is over and the new week is about to begin.

Psalm 19:7

The law of the Lord is perfect, refreshing the soul. The statutes of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple.

The best is yet to come – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂


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