More Clearing Done

Today the builder said he would be at Echo at 8-30am and he was. He had his labourers working on two main areas…they were clearing the primary building site and they were dismantling the stone planters either side of the garage to create more off street parking. This area will also be used for off loading building materials and won’t obstruct the road.

It was hard work…

Already looking up at the land, it’s looking so much clearer. This is before…



They have filled in the exploratory holes with rocks.

I think we need to go and pay a courtesy call on the neighbours. This house was recently sold. We met the previous owners, but have not met these ones. We will be obstructing the view from their side windows.

All the bushes were piled up on the verge and later taken away. When I went around 5pm, the workers were just finishing off.

Once this is done, the next step will be to make access through the right of the gate…Mike is looking at what needs to be done…

It’s amazing how far they have got in two days.

Today was a beautiful day. I remember 29 Marches ago, walking through the centre of Cape Town, wallowing in a spectacular day in early autumn and thinking to myself, “March is such a beautiful month – it’s the perfect month to have a baby.” The next thought was, “but I’m going to have another baby way before next March.” But that didn’t happen. It took me a while to fall pregnant.  I was so excited when I did, but that excitement turned to grief as I had a very early miscarriage.  The old gynae  I visited sympathised and told me to keep trying. Strangely, I never had another period and David was born 38 weeks later. They didn’t have the quick and easy ultrasound technology they have today. If they had, they may have spotted a second sac. David was due on 15th March, but I went into early labour at 34 weeks. I was medicated to stop the contractions (terrible stuff – made me feel awful). Eventually I went off it at 36 weeks and waited for labour but it never came. By 38 weeks, I hadn’t gained any weight for 8 weeks and the doctor proclaimed it time for the baby to come out. On the night of Mike’s 40th birthday (28th February 1991), I was hospitalised, induced and David arrived the next day.

I got my March baby, but I have to admit, any month is a good month to have a baby!

This morning Mike and I went for a jawk – he jogged, I walked. We did 4km. We got home, had breakfast and then went shopping. We ended up at the Pro shop so he could buy a new 6 iron. Home again is the most ridiculous traffic and after half an hour of work, I spent an hour on the phone to Stacey. One of my favourite times of the week.

A good day.

Romans 6:14

Sin is no longer your master, for you no longer live under the requirements of the law. Instead you live under the freedom of God’s grace.

And what glorious freedom it is.

These are the days.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂


No gym – just the jawk.


Day 123

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