Monty Wins the Day


Dear Elsie

Today something crazy happened with the cats. Yesterday I ran out of their regular wet cat food, so I went and bought one tin of Pamper. They tucked in with great enthusiasm, but later, Raiku did not feel well and had an upset tummy and threw up. I didn’t know if he had eaten a bug or if it was the change of food. This morning, I gave them another third of the Pamper tin and to my surprise they wouldn’t eat it. Granted, Claw’d licked a bit of the gravy, but Raiku wouldn’t go near it! They had a bit of dry food but that was it. Today, their regular food arrived via Take-a-lot. 24 tins of Monty and Me. I opened the tin at lunchtime and they immediately came meowing to the kitchen. They got stuck in right away. Monty to the rescue!

Cats were happy.

Now I’ve ordered their dry food again. Best to stick with their original eating plan.  This was them after they had been fed Pamper. They were unhappy so got on their feeder’s lap in case things changed.

Today was a sizzler in Cape Town. Temperature rose to the late 20s and the sun shone brightly and warmly. The sunrise was amazing. Hazy and very still.

This afternoon the building inspector was due to arrive at 2pm. By 3pm, he hadn’t arrived. Their had been an accident on Ou Kaapse Weg and so we knew traffic was hectic. If he got stuck on OKW in a spot where there is no reception, it may happen that he is more than an hour late. So we wait.

But at least the blog got done.

The other notable thing about 29th August is that it is Gerrie’s birthday. This is my nephew, Julian’s son-in-law and right-hand man. Happy birthday Gerrie!

Psalm 145:17
The Lord is righteous in all His ways and faithful in all He does.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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