Making Marriage Work – Take Care Of Your Spiritual Needs

If you aim at having a happy marriage and balance is to be part of it, then taking care of your spiritual needs is also an essential ingredient.

When Mike & I got married we already shared the same spiritual values.

In life, you have to believe something.


Mike & I believe that the only way to God is through the Lord Jesus Christ. We believe that God loves us and that Jesus was sent to this world in order to die, so that one day when we die, we will go to be with Jesus in heaven.  What we read in the Bible is that nothing can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:39). He loves us regardless of what is in our past or our present. He loves us for who we are and He is just waiting for us to turn to Him.

That’s what we believe. Mike & I feel that we have God in the centre of our lives – if He is our Compass – the One we turn to – then He will keep up on the right track. With Him, we can’t get lost.

So this is what taking care of our spiritual lives means:

It means spending time with God in prayer. It also means reading the Bible to find out more of how we should be living our lives. Attending a place of worship and spending time with like minded people. That’s all part of meeting your spiritual needs.

Why is it so important?


There’s much more to this life than meets the eye. When you marry and have children you pass on a legacy that you make during your life. The choices you decide upon, the style of the life you lead all impacts the  generations to come, as they take up the baton of your values and morals. Many do a good job. Others, not so good.

For Mike and I, we want our children to take with them the very best. It doesn’t mean that we are perfect, but it does mean that we try and live a life that is pleasing to God. We have asked Him to show us the way. Through regular Bible Study and prayer, we seek God’s will for our life and for the life of our children.

For me, this has been a very personal thing. Coming from a broken home and seeing the divorce rate rise both inside the church and out, it has made me even more fervent in my prayers for my children and their future. I freely admit that I pray for my grandchildren  and I pray for my great grandchildren. I believe that when these generations arrive, they will arrive in a world that has degenerated far beyond what we experience today. I pray on a regular basis that Mike & I will be the start of many strong Christian families who will raise up children to know the Lord and to follow Him. God knows how much the world of 2050 and beyond will need families of a moral and upright nature.


Taking care of your spiritual needs keeps you focused on what is right. It is hard to fall into sin when you wake up in the morning and the first person you speak to is God. He sets the tone for the day ahead. He’s the first port of call when trouble comes. He knows your needs from A to Z. He’s the One who knows the end from the beginning. Nothing is going to happen to you that He and you can’t handle together. He loves you and wants what’s best for you.

At times in your marriage you will reach a crisis point. When your spiritual needs are being met, you know who to turn to. God is the only One who can seriously resolve any issues in your life. He is the one to consult. He is the One to seek to find a solution. Pray to Him for answers. Delve in the Bible for sound solutions. The book of Ephesians in the New Testament of the Bible is full of sound advice for husbands and wives.

God ordained marriage in the first place. Surely we should be consulting the Manufacturers Manual for the solution.


If that is the case, you do the best you can in following Christ and looking after your spiritual needs. God is the God of all comfort. He will never abandon you. He sees your needs and will provide for them.


  1.  Start by reading a short passage of the Bible together. A good place to begin is the book of John in the New Testament.
  2. Once you’ve read the Bible passage, pray together. This may be short and perhaps uncomfortable in the beginning, but once you become accustomed to the routine, you’ll find it fills a real need and keeps you on the right track.
  3. Join a Bible believing church. Visit churches in your area and find one that suits your needs and tastes.
  4. Once settled in a church, try and join a mid-week Bible study. This will allow you the opportunity to learn more about the Bible and God’s will for your life.

God bless you!

In His Grip,

Helga xx

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