Remembering Granny – It’s Been Two Years

I don’t want to forget her face or some of her cute mannerisms. Two years ago today, Granny (Mike’s Mom) slipped into eternity. She was 89 and had a long life. We were the privileged ones to have had her with us for 10 years.

Granny in 2009

Granny in 2009 before she fell and broke her hip

We built a cottage for her in the back garden in 2001 and in February of 2002, she moved from East London to live with us. In July 2009, she fell and broke her hip and after her recovery, she moved into the house with us and David moved into the cottage. Her health gradually deteriorated and in March 2013 we took the plunge and moved her to the Ladies Christian Home in Cape Town. She spent the last 7 months of her life there and passed away on this day, one year ago – it was  Monday 7th October 2013.

There is no other way to remember Granny than with a smile on my face and joy in my heart. She was a wonderful Mom-in-law and when she died we rejoiced that she was with Jesus and out of her broken and frail body.

Granny Mike David

As I look at these, some of my favourite photos of her, I remember her amazing, hardworked hands –  her soft skin and her striking blue eyes…

Granny in the gardenThere are no regrets. There are thousands of photos (wow, I took a lot of her) and there are many many good memories…

Granny in Davids hat

Granny playing the piano….

Granny playing the pianoLooking happy on her 87th birthday…

This is Granny on her 87th birthday - 7th August 2011

This is Granny on her 87th birthday – 7th August 2011

This was one of the last photos of her.  Spring 2013. We took her to the government gardens and she loved seeing the daffodils in bloom.

Granny smiling

Thank you Jesus for a life lived well and that ended peacefully.

She is no longer with us, but this does not mean she is  not alive and well.

John 3:16

“For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.”

Granny has spent two years away from earth and living in an eternal realm of which we know so little, but we do know it exists.

Live life with an eternal perspective.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you!

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

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