Live Truth

It’s not always easy to live entirely in the truth. Sometimes we are tempted to be mostly truthful, but mostly is not enough. Truth wins. I have known times in my life where I have hidden the truth…best not to tell the truth – not that I have been untruthful, I just haven’t bought the truth into the light. When I have done, something miraculous happens:


John 8:32

Jesus says, “Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.”

Live Truth. That’s what we need to do. It’s quite interesting that from John 8:31-59, the word ‘truth’ appears ten times. Jesus told us the truth about His birth, His life and His impending death. In verse 36, in following onto this verse about being set free by the truth, Jesus goes onto say that if the Son (Jesus) sets you free, you will be free indeed.

What a wonderful gift – the gift of freedom.

You only really appreciate freedom when you have been imprisoned. Prison takes on so many different forms – it’s not just a jail cell with bars and a lock & key. You can be imprisoned by negative thinking, by a bad attitude, by sin, by a lack of joy, by no peace, by no love in your life, a lack of happiness. Bitterness may have locked you in a world of darkness. Unforgiveness trapped you behind bars of anger and resentment.

This should not be.

By entering into a relationship with Jesus Christ, you find freedom from all the shackles that hold you back.

That’s the truth.

Confess the truth and start again today.

#236 of my thousand thanks is for freedom I have in Jesus Christ. He has set me free. I am free indeed.

These are the days!

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

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