Sometimes It’s Just Not Meant To Be

Today I was hit with a curve ball as the company for whom we are interviewing teachers let us know that they have reassessed their needs and for the April interviews they don’t need Primary school, English or Maths teachers. The also don’t need Grade 6-9 Science teachers.

They do need KG teachers of which we have one and they need Physics, Chemistry and Biology Grade 10-12 teachers of which we have seven.

Sooooooo, we went from having 37 applicants to interview to having eight!

What’s interesting is that this morning particularly, I was praying about these posts! For some applicants, who have waited a long time for these interviews, sometimes it is just not meant to be.

God knows what is ahead!

Psalm 63:7

Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings.

I have to admit, I was just a little relieved that they had changed things! I was under mounting pressure to find a lot more teachers. I knew time was running out and despite advertising all over the place, the applicants weren’t coming. Every day, I felt the stress of trying to find another applicant. If we didn’t find them, we may have had to write to the company telling them our numbers (particularly in Cape Town) were going to be very much less than we anticipated….and we didn’t want to do that!

Now the original list has to be revised and while tricky days are ahead, we can only do the best we can. We have revised the advertising and have about 2 weeks to get more applicants that fit the bill.  Hopefully the advertising will work and we can get some more.

Onto a different topic….but with a moral that fits my story today….if it were not for my brother Julian, I would probably go through life reading not much more than the Bible. But being the book-a-holic he is, he is always talking about some amazing book or other he is reading. He is the most well read person I know. His general knowledge is vast and he is a wealth of information. He got me reading Jane Eyre (which I finished). My reputation for not finishing the books that I start to read goes before me. I am pretty dismal at getting to the end of every book I start. I do finish the Bible every year though. I started Great Days by Frank Johnson and have enjoyed it thus far, BUT Julian has put another book in my hands and I am hooked!

ANNA KARENINA by Leo Tolstoy!

853 pages.

It’s described as one of the best novels ever written.  Tolstoy writes an epic story of life in Russia in the 1800s. A man of high Christian and moral standing, he weaves his beliefs and ideals through this book, making it both thought provoking and entertaining.

And to that end, comes a quote from it. What to do when things go pear-shaped?

“Oh dear, what am I to do?”

There was no answer, except life’s usual answer to the most complex and insoluble questions. The answer is this: live from day to day;”

And so that is what I will do with the curve-ball that came our way this morning. Just live from day to day and see what happens.

All will be well.

#237 of 1000 thanks is for Anna Karenina.

These are the days!

Keep the smile going.

God bless you!

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

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