Keeping Up With Mike

This evening, Julian, Mike, David and I had a lovely dinner at the Galley Restaurant in Fish Hoek. Julian, Mike and I had walked down from Echo. David had driven and we thought we would catch a lift back with him, but he left early, so we walked back to our car at Echo as well. The evening was beautiful with a full moon. The sea was calm, the weather was cool and there was not a breath of wind. Perfect April evening. We walked along the cat walk in the dark. We passed a couple sitting on a bench enjoying a romantic evening. The gentleman had his arm around his lady’s shoulders, snuggling into her to off set the coolness of the evening. He was way into his 70s! As we walked past, Julian and I started telling Mike ten years from now he will be a sprightly 78-year-old. He said he wasn’t sure. So then we started rewinding to ten years ago when Mike was 58. I said there is one massive change between Mike at 58 and Mike at 68. “What’s that?” they both wanted to know.

“Mike,” I said, “is about 90% less stressed now than he was ten years ago.”

2009 was a big financially demanding year for us. We bought a flat, had both the children at university and Stacey married. Granny broke her hip and moved into our home. It was a great year, but it came with lots of extras.

Fast forward ten years. Mike is retired!  Stacey & Adrian will soon celebrate their tenth wedding anniversary. David has completed both his first degree and his Masters and is financially independent. Granny is with the Lord. Whole different set of circumstances.

Yesterday when we ran (jogged/walked) to Fish Hoek and back, I struggled to keep up with Mike. He has energy and is naturally athletic.  Before I married him, I thought very carefully about our age difference. I will be 30, Mike will be 44. When I turn 40, Mike will be 54. When I turn 50, Mike will be 64. How did I feel about this? There is only one thing I may have done differently, to be honest and this is it –  If I knew then, what I know now about the man I married, I would have run down the aisle saying, ‘where do I sign, where do I sign?’ Yep. I wouldn’t have done anything differently. We have been blessed with an amazing life together and I am grateful.

We are going to need all the energy we have to turn this…

Into this…

We are having so many conversations about the build, it’s dominating our minds.  I’m trying to lower my expectations. We will only really get partially excited when we pay scrutiny fees which will mean departures won’t be required. Praying!

Today I had a lazy morning. We met Julian for brunch again and then we went for a drive before coming back to our house for coffee. Then we went to a couple of building stores to look at tiles, flooring, bathrooms and other building supplies. It was really useful exercise. When I got home, I had nice chat with Stacey. I can’t wait to see her again. I miss her! Tomorrow Elsie is 11 months old! Maybe when they come to Cape Town again, we can take them to see Echo.

Psalm 36:7

How priceless is your unfailing love O God! People take refuge in the shadow of your wings.

What a wonderful place to take refuge.

These are the days.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂


No gym, but I did walk 12605 steps.


Day 158.

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