I Lost Every Single Document & File

Today was actually going along quite well. I finally got into the book-room and started sorting out the bits and pieces that were in it. I vacuumed it thoroughly (taking great care not to upset the vacuum cleaner and I managed to avoid a fight with it). I cleaned the skirting boards, the window sill and the top of the cupboard door and it looked and smelled much better.

From yesterday to today I had been in contact with the MD of the company for whom I work regarding a glitch in the updated computer system we use. She found it and said that I must just save any documents I had on my desktop elsewhere and the IT guy would give me a new system. So that’s what I did. When the IT guy wrote and asked me if I had saved the documents I said yes and that he could ‘go for it’.

He flattened my system and gave me a new one. The only thing none of us knew was that when I started working for the company three years ago, I had been given a different file structure to all the others and in this process I lost every single document and file. It wasn’t only a handful of documents on my desk top I needed to back up, it was EVERYTHING.

10 gigs of applicant information.

My folders were all empty.

I felt physically ill.

I actually felt I was in shock.

My eye was twitching too!

At first the others said, “it must be there” and then reality dawned and the poor IT guy set about to try recover my 10 gigs.

And that’s where we are up to now.

When Riana came and I told her, she looked at how empty my files are and said she now has more than me, which is true.

They have given me a new online file to put everything in safely, so this won’t happen again.

I hope to get my 10 gigs back tomorrow.

I was a bit shattered at the thought of losing three years of work.

Anyway, I’m going to take the evening off and wait for the recovery to happen.

There was another good thing about today, #398 of my 1000 thanks is that the new burglar bars were installed in the cottage….they look fabulous because you can hardly see them…

Psalm 39:7

But now Lord, what do I look for? My hope is in You.

Time to get off-line.

These are the days!

Keep the smile going.

God bless you!

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

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