Hot Days and Red Traffic Lights

Today summer has arrived – absolutely spectacular blue skies and sunshine – a perfect day for laundry.


His/hers jeans

So # 31 of my 1000 thanks is Hot Days.  It has been delightful being home with Mike as with him around, we can throw open the doors and overflow into the garden, drink tea and enjoy this beautiful day.

#32 of my 1000 thanks is unusual. It’s red traffic lights. As I left gym this morning, I got caught at a light that takes a while to change. I picked up my cell phone and noticed a text message. Expecting one from the bank, I opened my messages to have a look. There was a message from Mike with a shopping list! If I hadn’t stopped at that traffic light, I would have missed the message, got home and would have had to go back to the Mall at some stage during today. Instead I could go directly there. Thank you Lord for red traffic lights. They are a moment to stop and pause during a journey, to look around and enjoy the day.

According to Got the word ‘selah’ appears 71 times in the book of Psalms. Commentators suggest that it means to pause and praise. Imagine if every time we got caught at a traffic light, it would signal not only for us to stop, but also for us to pause and praise.

Psalm 66:4

All the earth bows down to You;  they sing praise to You,  they sing the praises of Your Name. Selah

With all these ideas, they are not always easy to remember. It’s such a good idea in theory but to put into practice requires some determination.

I wonder if I could get it right. I can certainly try.

I think one of the hardest things in life is to ‘give thanks in all circumstances.’ Some people have tribulations like no other – they have deep difficulties, ill health, tremendous hardships. Then I come along with my small little issue of ‘feeling a big flat’ or ‘bit overwhelmed with work’ – I am trying to remind myself in these little issues that frustrate, I have to learn to give thanks in all circumstances. In each of the frustrations of our lives, God has a plan. He can use the smallest detail for His glory and work. When my bank card was strangely mis-sent to the Philippines, it resulted in one of the easiest blogs  for me to write. God used that little detail as a reminder that even though I could be on the wrong road, it’s not going to be difficult for me to find my way back to God. He doesn’t move.

Thank you Jesus for hot days and red traffic lights! Pause & Praise!

These are the days!

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

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