Hard Lessons and Second Chances


I’m not proud of my behaviour this afternoon, but I’ll tell you what happened anyway, because it reveals the 2nd chances God offers.

This morning I had a few missed calls, but didn’t immediately detect who they were from. It was only when I arrived home just before 1pm& found Mavis hadn’t come, that I re-dialled the number and it showed up to be the cell number for Mavis. She had an incident with a taxi and had badly injured her left thumb.  Boswell, Mavis’ husband explained the Dr had given her a sick certificate for a week’s sick leave. I got changed into my swimming costume with a wrap and then set about putting washing in the machine and cleaning up the house.  While I was making my bed, I heard a voice outside and there were Boswell and Mavis. Boswell handed over the sick certificate and I sympathised and told Mavis to come back when she’s better. I chatted to them for a few minutes, noticing the sweat dripping down Mavis’ face. Boswell explained that he was very tired as early that morning he had returned from a funeral in the Eastern Cape. I looked at them and though, “I should really offer them a lift home,” BUT I DIDN’T!!! They didn’t ask. I didn’t offer. And off they went. I continued making the bed. I cleaned up the bedroom. I gathered stuff and went downstairs. Then I went upstairs again to get a cable to download photos to my netbook. About 15 minutes had passed since Boswell and Mavis had left. I looked outside. It was scorching hot. Midday heat…at least 30C. Boswell was tired. Mavis was injured. AND I hadn’t offered to take them home. I tried to reason with myself. But there were no right answers…they could catch a taxi… yes but that’s more money. It’s not that far to Masi…yes, but in this heat with one exhausted and the other in pain! I felt terrible! I lamented to the Lord! I asked for forgiveness. “I’m so sorry! I should have given them a lift home!” A thought dropped into my mind. “Go look down the road… maybe they are resting in the shade.” I went downstairs, threw open the door and went down the driveway. To my amazement, there was Mavis, waiting under a tree. I marched back inside, got in the car and drove to where they were and offered them a lift home. They jumped at the offer.  I took them home, horrified that I hadn’t done it in the beginning, humbled that I had a second chance.  I have a long way to go!

Mark 9:35 “Sitting down, Jesus called the Twelve and said, “If anyone wants to be first, he must be the very last, and the servant of all.”

The servant of all.


I can’t but God can.

I knew this would happen. I knew that regardless of if Granny is home or not, there will be lessons to be learned!

Talking of Granny, today I went to see her. I took her out to the garden, took her shoes off and let her put her bare feet onto the cool grass. There she sat and ate fruit salad…

YumYum! This is the view from the garden…

View from the garden…and this is some more of the garden with the watsonias around the bird bath (thanks Monica!)

More of the gardenAfter about 45 minutes, I trundled Granny out of the heat and back to her ward. I chatted with the nursing staff a bit and told them more about Granny – where she came from, all about her Xhosa skills etc. Then I said goodbye and came home.

Now I have got show prep to do…and quite a lot of it…also I have to get washing off the line and some dishes done before Mike gets home. Helga the houseworker!


In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

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