David at the Cardiologist


Dear Elsie

Today was the day David went to the cardiologist. He has had chest discomfort for almost 7 months so it was time he did due diligence and have himself checked out just in case there was something wrong that could be contributing to his chronic fatigue & muscle pain.

There isn’t! That’s the good news. His heart is in perfect working order. David having the heart echo…

And then a stress ECG which was really interesting. David had been sure to rest a lot beforehand. We used a wheelchair to get him to the doctor’s rooms so he didn’t need to walk. The doctor made it go faster and steeper until eventually his heart rate when up to about 160 and he said, “I’m done!”

No problems at all. David is feeling very relieved. He then went to Pathcare and had a bunch of bloodwork done to check there was no muscle issue after exercise. That done, he came home to crash. I don’t know if we will see him this evening. We’ll see.

Meantime, Julian arrived and we are about to go for a walk.

Elsie, you had a really good day at school and are beginning to really blossom!

Psalm 146:6
He is the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them—
He remains faithful forever.

There have been a number of whales in the bay so this verse is a good reminder of where they come from. They are the little black dots in the middle of the photo.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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