Coffee at 9


Dear Elsie

Today I got to see you learning to read and you are doing so well! Granny is so proud!

Today I waited until 9am for my first coffee! It wasn’t easy but it is intermittent fasting David is trying to improve his metabolism and metabolic health. We ate early yesterday evening (5pm) and then only drank water and black tea until 16 hours later (9am). I decided to join him. Mike was up and out super early to take his car to be serviced. He had coffee at 6am and was on his way by 6:30am. I went through my usual routine, but by 8am, it felt a very long time til 9am, so I walked to Fish Hoek for milk and muesli. Home by 9am and the wonderful first sip of coffee. By 11:30am, I was buzzing and felt fabulous. Dinner at 5pm this evening and now we’ll wait until 9am to eat again. I hope this works for David. He has plateaued in feeling good in himself but walking is not something he finds easy to do or can do for longer than about 100m. And so we wait, patiently. He is persevering in reading, learning some Chinese, doing half the work he usually does, playing chess, watching YouTube & visiting us. We are enjoying his company. I am aware time will pass. This will pass. He will get better and move on with his life and as the years pass, his life may take him in a different direction making visits less frequent. Yes, I am enjoying his company now for sure!

For the rest, I only worked about half a day today. I heard back from the Saint Helena Island internet company and it seems straightforward to pick up a SIM card when we arrive. I should be able to squeeze out my blog if I compress photos and do the whole thing off-line before uploading it onto my Linux laptop. Mike not wanting to visit Saint Helena leaves Julian and I with big challenges. We will surely get lost and struggle with connectivity during the week. Mike assures me he will send use off with all we need to be able to charge devices and hopefully stay in touch.

I visited Riana this afternoon and this evening, I took the balance of Julian’s stitches out. He had a basal cell lesion on his cheek taken out. It has healed well and the stitches needed to be taken out. I did not want to do that. They are tiny and my eyesight is not what it used to be. Mike however, found a magnified head lens and that made the world of difference. I took most of them out last night and the last few today.

And so that’s been the day.

Now, there’s cricket!

Psalm 89:1
I will sing of the Lord’s great love forever; with my mouth I will make your faithfulness known through all generations.

The best is yet to come – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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