Christmas Eve 2023


Dear Elsie,

Today was the day we prepared for Christmas. So did you. Oupa was chipper this morning and so you got to decorate a Christmas tree in his bedroom. You did a fabulous job and I’m sure it has made him very happy.

We are praying for you all.

Meanwhile, back in Cape Town, we have enjoyed getting to know Lizzie. Here she is with Grandpa.

And on the rocking chair with me…

On the balcony. 10 months of cuteness…

Such a joy.

We had a light dinner this evening & now the family have left to go for walks and to see the Christmas lights.

Meantime, the cats were out and it was dark. I went to lure them in with snacks. We got Raiku in but Claw’d led me a merry dance. Eventually, I had to go find him and drag him back inside. While he was delinquent this evening, it was Raiku who was a disgrace earlier in the day. He caught and devoured an entire mouse that upset his tummy and he promptly came back inside to throw it up. I was out. When I got in, Mike was at the backend of the cleanup. Gross.

This Christmas is unexpected for our family. A year ago, we could never have predicted where we would all be today. We would loved to have had Adrian, Stacey, Elsie and Oupa Ron with us and a back-to-normal David. Elsie, you were going to meet your cousin Lizzie, but that will be another time. We will celebrate with the family who are here today. Despite different circumstances, the message of Christmas stays the same. We celebrate the coming to earth of Jesus. Our hope is in Him.

Isaiah 51:16
“I have put my words in your mouth and covered you with the shadow of my hand—”

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx

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