Chopping Up Our Road


Dear Elsie

Today was the day I did a good day’s work. Afterwards, we walked to the end of the street and enjoyed the view. There’s been a brisk south-easter which had been black in the morning, with sweeping drizzle and clouds. How it’s just fresh with no rain.

The main thing that is happening on our road right now is the ongoing sound of roadworks. The road has been chopped open, new water pipes laid and then dug open again at various points to do other stuff.

The other day we were about to go out and there was a massive hole in front of our garage. The chap who was busy working there hastily filled it in enough for David to reverse the big car out. The city has contracted a company to replace the water pipe infrastructure on the road and I’m sure when it’s done it will look great. Right now a third of it is dirt.

During all the works, they wrecked half our roll-over kerb, but we hear they will replace it all. The road has been chopped up a number of times this year. Burst water mains were usually the culprit, but this photo below was after an electricity substation caught fire and put the power out.

I think once all this is done, it will be resurfaced and will look as good as new.

Today is my nephew Darryl’s birthday. Happy Birthday!

We spent the evening chatting (one TV still on the blink – new TV hasn’t arrived) & now it’s definitely time for me to wrap it up for the day.

Proverbs 15:30
A cheerful look brings joy to the heart

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going (it brings joy to the heart!)

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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