An Act of Kindness

As much as there are scoundrels in the world, there are far, far more people who are kind and generous. We encountered one of these yesterday. Knowing about the loss of my laptop, this person stopped by with a gift to help pay for it. Mike and I were very touched. It was completely unexpected and came as such surprise. Therein I saw the hand of God, working through a selfless individual who reached out and in doing so lessened the sting of the experience. I use my laptop every day and now when I do, I am reminded that God provided for it to nearly be half paid for by one of His children. God is no man’s debtor. He will reward you for what you have done.

Truth and kindness bound around your neck picture

#41 of my 1000 thanks is kindness.

And often when others are kind to us, it is easier to be kind to others. It’s a pay-it-forward effect. I will be a better person because of this gift.

Talking of gifts, I received another on my birthday last year – it came from David – it was my A4 diary and this is a gift that I have used almost every single day. It sits on my desk and gets written in and paged through – endless notes remind me of people and appointments.

It also records my 1000 thanks – so # 42 is my diary!

We heard a wonderful message this morning in church. Pastor Neil Smith, who has just taken over as senior pastor of King of Kings Baptist Church in Sun Valley preached from Malachi 3 – which includes tithing.  A few feet may have shuffled when he asked what was most important to us. What was our greatest treasure? Our most important possession. Is it our homes, cars, computers, jewelry, but then he asked was it our children or our spouse? The church fell silent and you could have heard a pin drop when he proclaimed that we are God’s treasured possession. He treasures us. We are most valuable to Him. A few tears fell. The love of God and how important we are to Him was palpable in church today.

Malachi 3:17

17 “On the day when I act,” says the Lord Almighty, “they will be my treasured possession. I will spare them, just as a father has compassion and spares his son who serves him.

Kindness and Truth.

These are the days!

Keep the smile going.

God bless you!

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

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