A Night On the Floor In The Passage…


We have been living in this house for 23 years and that was a first! I slept the night on a mattress in the passage, just outside Granny’s door. I could have slept on the floor in Granny’s bedroom but there was limited space for her to get up with the mattress there. After her operation yesterday, she began to bleed. The wound just wouldn’t stop oozing. Every now and then there was a ‘gush’ of blood and she got covered in it. I went to bed at 9ish, got up at 11-40pm and then again at 3-40am. After I left for work, Mike went down and took care of her until I got home, which was right after the show ended. By this afternoon her wound had dried up and was looking better. On top of it all, today is her 88th birthday! Her friend Irene came to visit, which was very nice of her. We had a little birthday celebration and she opened all her gifts.

We decided another night in the passage wasn’t such a hot idea so we phoned the WONDERFUL staff at Nerina Gardens and they said the room was ready and she could come a day early. When we arrived at Nerina, the staff bounded out to welcome her and to wish her happy birthday!  What a blessing to be able to have her there, even for this short time.

So now the house is extremely quiet!

I am exhausted!

I couldn’t exactly take a brilliant birthday picture of Granny, but I did get this one…

She is very long suffering and patient! A real Philippians 4:5 girl…”Let your gentle spirit be known to all men. The Lord is near”.

God bless you loads!

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

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