A Frenetic Day


I suddenly had a lot happen today. It started off as the normal relaxed day and then turned into a number of busy, hours with lots of work, interruptions and additional chores. Later in the afternoon it calmed down, but it was only after 5pm that I was finally able to do nothing!

Last day of the month and a lot was achieved. I had to get to the vet to pick up more cortisone for Truffles so now I have a month’s supply as well as some vitamin cat juice for her. She is doing so much better. I found her outside sitting in a flower pot…you are gorgeous my petal…

I also got the final documents for the visa application for Egypt. David got his TEFL certificate sorted. That should arrive in a week or two.  In between work, I did the laundry.

After dinner we went down to Echo and saw they had got a whole lot of rubble off the plot. You can see how much they took. There’s tonnes more to go…

And Werner has put a point on the pole to show where the floor of basement will be.

On the way home we got caught behind tar laying machinery that crept along…

End of October 2019. When we started this month, I would never have said that we would have got so far by the end of it. The next several months are going to be very busy.

Tomorrow we go to Swellendam!

So grateful.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-17

Always be joyful. Never stop praying.

These are the days.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂


  • 30 minutes cycling
  • 30 minutes challenging Grid.


Day 352

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