A Drive-about Day…


Today was another gorgeous day…the mercury soared into the late 20s, the wind was moderate and it was great to be out of doors, which I was soon after the show ended. The highlight of the show was Dee’s story! She called in and told how, at the age of 52, she had climbed Mount Kilimanjaro. As she approached the top, she was really struggling. She was exhausted and hungry and felt she couldn’t go on. She called out to God. One of her fellow travellers reached out his hand to her and she took it and he helped her to the top. She noticed he was wearing white gloves.  After summiting the mountain, she turned to thank the man, but he had gone. No one in her group was wearing white gloves!  Right there and then, she turned her life over to God and she has been walking with Him ever since. Amazing story. I’ve asked Jack to take it off the audiolog at CCFm tomorrow so I can use the audio here!

Spectacular sunrise…

After Rise and Shine, I visited my friend Andrew at Revelstone and then went to Friends Cafe for a bite to eat and a wonderful cappucino…

Then it was off to shop, with Access Park being my choice today. I so enjoyed walking in the sunshine, browsing through the shops and buying Stacey a birthday present and some lovely fresh fruit and veg.


Then it was home to meet with Jack about tomorrow’s Rise and Shine show.  Here’s Jack with Lynwen during a previous show…

Mike is at a CCFm meeting for a little while. I’m sitting outside enjoying the mid-afternoon breeze….

If you have some worries on your mind, take to heart the words of Jesus in John 14:1

“Do not let your hearts by troubled. Trust in God; trust also in Me.”

We are in His grip,

Love and blessings!

Helga 🙂

PS. If you are on Facebook, swing by the Rise and Shine Facebook page and click on ‘like’  at the top! :) Thanks!






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