What an Amazing Day!


Sometimes the “weatherman” gets it wrong! Last week it rained when he said it wouldn’t! Today he said the south-easter was going to be strong and it wasn’t! It was a really, really nice error!

Just look at these photos of yesterday and today. Yesterday, (after I’d posted my blog)  Mike & I went to Kommetjie for a walk. Kommetjie is further south towards Cape Point and the wind had all the surfers out in droves having a fine ol’ time surfing very obliging waves….this is looking towards Hout Bay from the Kommetjie Beach path…

Mike and I followed the path all the way down to the Kommetjie Lighthouse and then turned left for a short distance before finding a path that went up the mountain to the Scarborough Rd. It was quite steep…

But came with super views…

Especially from the top…on the Main Rd. to Scarborough…

Then this was today… I couldn’t resist stopping and taking a couple of photos…this is looking towards Fish Hoek from St. James Main Rd….

The mountain side of the Main Rd…

After work I went to the Mall and did some banking and some grocery shopping and bought Stacey a Christmas present. It is her birthday on Sunday but I’ve already got her present…just have to get her a little extra!

I came home to throw open the balcony doors and let the summer in. The fruit of our vine is coming along…

Now I must go and put dinner together. Mike will be home soon. I remember in our early years of marriage, he didn’t like coming home and finding NO food preparation on the go. I used to wait until the very last minute & then rush to the kitchen, chop an onion and throw it in a pan, just to get a cooking smell going! It worked well. If I wanted him to think I had been slaving on housework all day, I’d grab a broom and brush the carpet pile up. It took about 3 minutes but it always made him think I’d been working! 🙂  We were only in our 1st year of marriage then. Now we are both far more casual about it all! That’s what age does!

But having said that, Mike arrives home hungry so best get into the kitchen…

Ephesians 5: 33 “Let each one of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband.”

It’s all a bit of give and take.

In His grip!

Helga x 🙂


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