9-11 Miracles

Monday 11th September 2023

Dear Elsie

Today was the day that 22 years ago the World Trade Towers fell in an unprecedented attack. I remember the day well. I remember seeing the news and being glued to the TV as the awful events unfolded. After a few days amazing stories started filtering across the world as people who had miraculously survived the event started telling what happened to them. One of them was a man called Stanley. I remember reading his story on air. He was completely trapped on one of higher floors. When he heard voices, he started calling for help. Someone heard his cries and he saw a flash light. He began to hope that he may be saved and indeed he was. After the show, people phoned in by the dozens for a copy of Stanley’s story. Those were the days of fax machines. I faxed the story to 100 listeners. Over the years, I tried to find out more about Stanley – the authenticity of his story and what happened to him without success. Then recently on my YouTube feed, I started receiving one  suggestion after another on survivor’s stories. One of them was by a man named Brian Clark who, on the 10th anniversary, spoke at a school meeting.  His account was gripping and I was enthralled. As the story developed, he began to explain that on his way down, he heard a cry for help. He followed the voice and then took his torch and shone it under the debris. The person that saw it was none other than Stanley! Suddenly, I had the other half of the story that I had read on air all those years ago.

Miracles happened that day. This was one of them. This was not the video I watched. For some reason that one is coming up with a video unavailable note, but this one will get you the story.

You can also Google Brian Clark and Stanley Praimnath to get their individual accounts of how they got out the building that day. Quite a story and worth watching. I think if you try on a cell phone the videos are more likely to open.

At the time, we all thought the world will never be the same again. It was devastating. But now 22 years have passed and while we will never forget the events of that day, normalcy has returned.

Psalm 147:7
Sing to the Lord with grateful praise; make music to our God on the harp.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂


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