This is a fabulous recipe, ideal for entertaining and, when served with cauli-rice and salad, absolutely Banting friendly. Credit to Riana!
- 1kg pork fillet (you can substitute with chicken or beef if you prefer)
- 1 x 250g punnet of mushrooms
- 1/2 cup of brandy (the alcohol burns off)
- 3 generous teaspoons of smoked paprika
- 250ml cream
- Garlic butter
Basic Method
- Start by slicing the mushrooms and sautéing them in a couple of tablespoons of garlic
- Add the cubed pork and brown.
- On high heat add the half cup of brandy and let the alcohol burn off.
- Turn the heat down and add the smoked paprika – for the best flavour it must be smoked paprika.
- Once nice and brown, add the cream and simmer on low heat.
In pictures.
Cubed pork fillet…
Sautéed mushrooms in garlic butter…
Pork added…
After adding brandy, add the smoked paprika and mix well…
Finally, blend in the cream and it looks, smells and tastes absolutely delicious…
An absolute winner. Should feed 4. The cost was R115.
Interesting paprika comes from the dried pods of the sweet red pepper.
Genesis 1:29
“Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.”
And they still are today!
God bless you.
In His Grip,
Helga xx 🙂