Saying Farewell to a Good Friend


Today I said goodbye to a very good friend. Riana left Cape Town, heading towards the UK to join her husband who is already there. I’ll see her again in a few months time, but the happy friendship we enjoyed will change. It’s going to be made up of Skype and Whatsapp messages.

We go back many years, Riana and I do. But it was really only in 2009 that she & became close friends.

I have to say that whenever I think of Riana, I laugh, mainly because she has a personality type that came out of the same factory as my husband’s. She has a bunch of characteristics that I have lived with for the last 30 years, so you can imagine how well we clicked. Some of these characteristics are quirky. One day we were driving somewhere,  and out of Circle signnowhere, she says, ‘they should put a traffic circle here!’ I was speechless! “What?” I asked dumbfounded. “A traffic circle,” she said, “they are wonderful – I think there should be more traffic circles instead of traffic lights.” I shook my head. Do you know how many times Mike has said exactly the same thing?? “There should be a circle here!” “They need to put more traffic circles.” “Traffic circles are so efficient.” Now the same circle story was coming out of my friend’s mouth! Who knew that there could be TWO circle fanatics in the world!

Both Mike & Riana are perfectionists. They both have a great eye for design. They both love order and organisation. Neither are risk takers. I can’t shop for clothes for either of them (that’s an absolute no-no!) They both love cars. They both are very particular about having coffee hot. They both make me laugh. They both have a deep faith.

It is no wonder that I get on so well with Riana.

So off she goes on an exciting adventure….

Riana leaving

I will miss her daily coming and going in my world.  She certainly has enriched my life.

I’m so grateful for the rest of our friends who I still get to hang out with this side of the world.

If I have to pray anything for Peter and Riana it will be,

Numbers 6:24-26

‘“The Lord bless you  and keep you;  the Lord make His face shine on you  and be gracious to you;  the Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace.”’

And Ri-Ri, I wish you many hot cappuccinos in green le creuset cups! 😀


Thank you Jesus for friends who absolutely add colour to our lives!

Keep the smile going!

God bless you!

In His Grip, always,

Helga xx 🙂

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