“You Look New!”


It’s been a really busy day today, hence the late blog. I did the show and a good amount of work after it. Then David arrived at CCFm and we headed out shopping. We got a few Christmas presents but have a long way to go! Anyway, that took the remainder of the morning and well into the afternoon. With crazy traffic and a stop at the shops, it took me an hour to get home from Muizenberg!

We did have a bite to eat while out and were amused at the sauces on the table…another Helga making her mark…


David has officially moved out. He spent last night at the flat… I went around and helped him do a few things…this is his music room…

Last night, after I had helped David move the last of his stuff to his flat, when I got home,I quickly washed my car & gave the front garden a bit of water  You can imagine I was sticky & dusty. I came inside and after making Granny a light dinner, I went to shower. I returned a little  while later clean with hair washed and dried. I helped Granny through her bedtime routine. After I tucked her into bed, she smiled sweetly at me and said my nightie was very pretty. Then she looked at me and said  “you look new” 🙂  Her eyes looked  a bright cornflower blue. l told her so and said they looked as beautiful as they were when she was 16. She smiled broadly at me. Then she said: “You are beautiful.  You should be free”. l had to leave the room before she saw my tears. She doesn’t want to be a burden. I don’t want to resent her for clipping my wings. “For such a time as this!” “I can’t but God can.” For me to take care of Granny until her life is over is not going to be easy. But God has not called us to an easy life. He has called us to obedience. I am compelled to carry this through as difficult as it may be… as sacrificial as it may be;  as tedious as it may be; as thankless as it may be….it is a task I will strive to do. I will pray for patience and kindness and gentleness & grace and dependency on God, knowing He has called me for such a time as this. No running away from it. Just taking one day at a time and injecting love and enjoyment into that day.

Philippians 4:13 “I can do ALL things through Christ who gives me strength.”


In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

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