Worst Part Of My Job

This amazing job that I am doing ticks a lot of boxes for me. Sometimes I want to pinch myself that God ordained that I would stumble upon a fantastic company and He would launch me into a whole new career in an area of which I am completely unfamiliar!

Teacher Recruitment!


Who knew! See the website.

I connect with qualified South African teachers – I collect their information and pass it onto my colleagues in Abu Dhabi and in London. It’s been fun and goal driven. The Abu Dhabi state schools hold interviews in South Africa so I do a round of meet and greet, flying to Johannesburg and Durban to meet the teachers and see them through the interview process. Ticks all the boxes. Great job. I love it.

But there is always a bad part to a job and I have found it.

The worst part of my job is when the applicants are not recommended for the teaching positions for which they have applied.

There is such disappointment. It’s absolutely devastating for some.

So every time there are interviews that I go to, there are going to be applicants who get recommended for positions and those who don’t.

For those who do, the great unknown awaits.

For those who don’t, they face disappointment but at least they don’t have to worry about humongous hurdles over which to climb.

It is challenging moving lock, stock and barrel to the Middle East – a vastly different culture and starting to teach in a completely unfamiliar surrounding.

This morning I had a phone call from an applicant who we placed 3 months ago. He said it was so challenging when he first arrived. A month in he was ready to back his bags and leave. He said he would have if he didn’t have his wife with him. He was absolutely ready to throw in the towel. The excitement of the initial success many months ago was a far cry from the culture shock, desperate home-sickness and vast change from all that was normal.

I asked him if the money was now worth it. He said a month in the money wasn’t worth it, but now he has acclimatized, it is.

I guess the panel of interviewers have an idea of who may be up to this huge challenge. And when they do not recommend someone, it may be for their own benefit.

I’m glad I spoke to that teacher this morning. It gave me greater insight into the difficulties. I will be able to advise others more accurately.

Psalm 119:165

Great peace have they who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble.

Keep your eyes on the prize – it’s not this world at all.

#113 of my 1000 thanks is my amazing job, pitfalls and all.

#114 of my 1000 thanks is that Mike & I washed the car and cleared out a bag of paper!

These are the days!

Keep the smile going.

God bless you!

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂


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