Who Am I To You?

“Who am I to you?” was the question that went through my mind today as my sweet, silky cat poured out love and attention to me. I’ve mentioned before she has been particularly clingy since we got back from the Christmas weekend. We had Dustin, who lives in the cottage behind our home, feed her and his parents were here so she was not alone.

At least she is no longer sleeping on our bed. The other night, she bit Mike’s toe, so she was unceremoniously dumped onto the floor and ended up settling on a chair in the bedroom. She’s been sleeping there every night. Not that she doesn’t jump on the bed en route to the chair. She will go to the bathroom for water in her bathroom bowl, then come out of the bathroom, jump up on my bedside table, knead me for a moment, then trot across Mike and onto his bedside table before crossing the floor to the chair. If Mike is asleep, she has often nonchalantly stepped onto his head on her way! The nature of our cat!


This morning while I was in the bathroom, she kneaded around me and rubbed her head against my legs and happily sat in my arms having her head scratched.

As I watched her, I thought, “”Who am I to you?” “Truffles, do I represent provision, security and comfort to you?”  She adores me until she’s had enough of me and then she snootily stalks away and her independence takes over.

What a parallel between me and God. Who is God to me? Does He just represent provision, security and comfort for a period of time…until my independence takes over and I move away, happy to do my own thing?

It made me think.



God. Is. My. Everything.

He is my First and my Last. My Beginning and my End.  He’s the Keeper of creation and the Creator of all. He’s the Architect of the universe and the Manager of all time.

Not only does He represent Provision, Security and Comfort, He is my solid Foundation. He is my Salvation through His Son Jesus Christ.

He is Abundant Eternal Life.

Without Him, my life would have no meaning.

He is my Direction – My entire Point of Reference.

He is my Centre.

He represents all that is Good, all that is Truthful, all that Should Be.

Before I was born, God knew me. He knew everything little thing that would make me as I am. He knows my weaknesses and my frailty. He knows the number of my days. He knows my dreams and desires and failures. He knows it all.

He goes ahead of me. He makes the way good.

Nothing will happen to me without His presence, His permission or His purpose being worked out in my life.

His plan for me is good. Regardless of what happens in my life, He is Bigger than the bad and Author of the good.

He makes it all work out.

I believe that.

I trust Him for everything.

He is God and His banner over me is love.

I never want to snootily stalk away, letting my independence take over.

I want to be dependent on God and in His Son Jesus Christ- entirely and always.

Psalm 86:12

I will praise you, Lord my God, with all my heart; I will glorify your Name forever.

I will keep that smile going, because I am in His grip.

God bless you!

Helga xx 🙂

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