When Your Child Steals…

This is one of those difficult family topics that gets hushed up behind closed doors.  Generally it’s not a topic openly discussed with friends and made publicly known on Facebook and other social media. When your child wins a school award? Well that’s different!  But it came up with some friends the other day when one mentioned that she had caught her son stealing. He had stolen twice – both times from within the family home and had denied it on both occasions. In my opinion, she had dealt with it very well. But as the topic got opened, so it came out with a number of other Moms that in times past they too had to deal with one of their children who dabbled in theft! What to do? How to handle it? What do I do if my child is stealing?

One Mom related a brilliant remedy for her child. When she had discovered that he had taken some money from her without asking and then denied it, she told him he had stolen and that thieves have to be reported to the police. She then proceeded to call the police station, explaining what had happened and that she was bringing her child in so he could be dealt with accordingly. She would take  her daughter as well, just as a life lesson.

Simonstown Police StationSo off they went. On arrival the policeman assigned to their ‘case’ took the situation very seriously. He asked the boy if he had stolen. Trembling in his boots, the youngster said, ‘yes.’ He then directed the children to the cells and pointing to the small barred enclosure announced that thieves get locked up in there.



After a pep talk, the boy and his sister were released back into the care of their Mom and they went home.

Lesson learnt.

The truth is that when our kids experiment with sin, we have to take it seriously. It’s such an interesting thing that if they didn’t know they were doing wrong, they would have admitted what they had done. “Yes, I needed money for sweets and so I took it from your purse.” Had they done that, they would have been told it was not right and that they must ask first. But to take money and then say they hadn’t is clear indication that they knew what they had done was wrong.

If your child does something wrong, make them pay for their actions. For them to grow up to be responsible adults there have to be consequences to wrong behaviour when they are young. If they steal when they are ten and get away with it, they will be far more likely to do it again as it becomes a habit.

There are basic principles of parenting that need to be adhered to. The first and foremost is to lead by example.  Let Biblical behaviour be your guidelines for living a life that is pleasing in God’s sight and in being accountable to Him for your what you do.

I’m not saying that living a God-fearing life is the answer to perfect children. There are many parents (plenty of examples in the Bible)  who have followed hard after God their whole lives and yet have seen their children go completely off the tracks. And there are wayward parents who lived a life far from good and far from God, yet had children who came to know the Lord and to walk in His ways.

Parenting is tough. Do the best you can do. Guide and direct them in what is right. Pray for them daily and keep being faithful in your relationship with God. He will take care of the rest. He loves your children more than you do.

Psalm 127:3

Children are a gift from the LORD; they are a reward from Him.

I love my gifts.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you!

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂


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